Anime and Manga @ Lysator

Clubs, Societies and Other Associations

is a newly started Swedish anime and manga association. The texts available here are partly in swedish.
Te-centralen (The Tea Central)
is a local group of people that coordinate their purchases of american comics, anime, manga etc.


The Nikaku Animart Catalog
Nikaku Animart is one of the major anime and manga mail order companies, and they make their catalog available through email. If you want a fresher copy, email with a subject of "catalog" to get your own up-to-date copy.
The Imart Catalog
Imart is a video/CD mail order company that has some anime available on VHS and LD, and whose catalog is available through FTP.

Anime Guides

The Anime Index
As converted from an Amiga format by Per Hedbor.

Anime and Manga Titles

The files archived here are all taken from public ftp archives, such as, so don't be surprised if you recognize most of them.

External References

This list shows other WWW pages about anime and manga. As usual, lists of this kind are hard to keep up-to-date, so please, drop me an email letter if there are any changes you think I should do.

Anime and Manga @ Lysator / Mats Öhrman / 29 Aug 94