General Information About the Electronic Frontier Foundation
General Information About the Electronic Frontier Foundation
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a membership organization
that was founded in July of 1990 to ensure that the principles embodied
in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are protected as new
communications technologies emerge.
>From the beginning, EFF has worked to shape our nation's communications
infrastructure and the policies that govern it in order to maintain and
enhance First Amendment, privacy and other democratic values. We believe
that our overriding public goal must be the creation of Electronic
Democracy, so our work focuses on the establishment of:
o new laws that protect citizens' basic Constitutional rights as
they use new communications technologies,
o a policy of common carriage requirements for all network
providers so that all speech, no matter how controversial, will be
carried without discrimination,
o a National Public Network where voice, data and video services
are accessible to all citizens on an equitable and affordable basis, and
o a diversity of communities that enable all citizens to have a
voice in the information age.
Join us!
I wish to become a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. I enclose:
$__________ Regular membership -- $40
$__________ Student membership -- $20
Special Contribution
I wish to make a tax-deductible donation in the amount of $__________ to
further support the activities of EFF and to broaden participation in the
Documents Available in Hard Copy Form
The following documents are available free of charge from the Electronic
Frontier Foundation. Please indicate any of the documents you wish to
___ Open Platform Proposal - EFF's proposal for a national
telecommunications infrastructure. 12 pages. July, 1992
___ An Analysis of the FBI Digital Telephony Proposal - Response of
EFF-organized coalition to the FBI's digital telephony proposal of Fall,
1992. 8 pages. September, 1992.
___ Building the Open Road: The NREN and the National Public Network - A
discussion of the National Research and Education Network as a prototype
for a National Public Network. 20 pages. May, 1992.
___ Innovative Services Delivered Now: ISDN Applications at Home, School,
the Workplace and Beyond - A compilation of ISDN applications currently in
use. 29 pages. January, 1993.
___ Decrypting the Puzzle Palace - John Perry Barlow's argument for strong
encryption and the need for an end to U.S. policies preventing its
development and use. 13 pages. May, 1992.
___ Crime and Puzzlement - John Perry Barlow's piece on the founding of
the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the world of hackers, crackers and
those accused of computer crimes. 24 pages. June, 1990.
___ Networks & Policy - A quarterly newsletter detailing EFF's activities
and achievements.
Your Contact Information:
Name: __________________________________________________________
Organization: ____________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Phone: (____) _______________ FAX: (____) _______________ (optional)
E-mail address: ___________________________________________________
Payment Method
___ Enclosed is a check payable to the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
___ Please charge my:
___ MasterCard ___ Visa ___ American Express
Card Number: ___________________________________________
Expiration Date: _________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________
Privacy Policy
EFF occasionally shares our mailing list with other organizations promoting
similar goals. However, we respect an individual's right to privacy and
will not distribute your name without explicit permission.
___ I grant permission for the EFF to distribute my name and contact
information to organizations sharing similar goals.
Print out and mail to:
Membership Coordinator
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1001 G Street, N.W.
Suite 950 East
Washington, DC 20001
202/347-5400 voice
202/393-5509 fax
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization
supported by contributions from individual members, corporations and
private foundations. Donations are tax-deductible.