Very easy and cheap spaghetti sauce

This recipe is from Consumer Reports, which rated it as much better than most bottled sauces!and cheaper.

You can add whatever additional ingredients you like (mushrooms, tomatoes, etc.) to this basic recipe.


(Serves 4)


  1. Brown the garlic in the olive oil in a 6-quart pan.
  2. Add the onion and brown until transparent. (You can sautae a tomato in here also if you want.)
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring often. (Longer cooking won't hurt.)


It is better than bottled sauces!


Difficulty: easy.
Time: 5 minutes chopping, 30 or more minutes cooking.
Precision: no need to measure.


Evelyn C. Leeper 
AT&T Information Systems, Holmdel NJ 
Recipe last modified: 23 Jan 86

Original header

From: ecl@mtgzz (Evelyn C. Leeper)
Subject: RECIPE: Spaghetti sauce
Date: 14 Feb 86 06:15:17 GMT
Organization: AT&T Information Systems, Holmdel NJ
Approved: reid@glacier.ARPA

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