Här följer en lista på böcker och annat som recenserats eller anmälts i Månblad Alfa 1 -- 23. Vissa felaktiga titlar och författarnamn har rättats. Om två initialer ges för recensenter nedan så är den andra den som används i tabellen med statistik över antal recenserade böcker som finns sist. Personer som recenserat böcker är Andreas Björklind (AB), Andreas och Carina Björklind (AB&AC, AC), Britt-Louise Viklund (BLV, BV), Carina Björklind (CB), Calle Dybedahl (CD), Eva Ragnemalm (ER), Hans Persson (HP), Joakim Feldt (JF), Jukka Nylund (JN), Johan Zenk (JZ), Lars Johansson (LJ), Lennart Staflin (LS), Magnus Olsson (MO), Per Westling (PW), Roger Klein (RK), Tommy Persson (TP) och Stefan Wrammerfors (W). LSFF (LF) betecknar att det är bokmötesåsikter.
Abbey, Lynn
Unicorn and Dragon, W, 3
Adams, Douglas
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul, TP, 4
Mostly Harmless, HP, 20
Mostly Harmless, CD, 20
Adams, Douglas och Lloyd, John
The Deeper Meaning of Liff, HP, 20
Aldridge, Ray
The Emancipator (trilogi), CD, 21
The Pharaoh Contract, CD, 18
Allen, Roger MacBride
The Ring of Charon, BLV, 12
Supernova, BLV, 14
Anderson, Chester
The Butterfly Kid, TP, 9
Anderson, Kevin J.
Star Wars: The Jedi Academy Trilogy Volume III: Champions of the Force, HP, 23
Anderson, Poul
The Winter of the World, TP, 23
Anka, Arne
Bombad & sänkt, HP, 22
Anthony, Piers
Golem in the Gears, TP, 1
Anvil, Christopher
Pandoras planet, JN, 9
Asprin, Robert
M. Y. T. H. Inc. Link, TP, 3
Myth-Nomers and Im-Pervections, TP, 3
Atheling, Jr. William (James Blish)
The Issue at Hand, HP, 23
More Issues at Hand, HP, 23
Banks, Iain M.
Against a Dark Background, TP, 21
Barker, Clive
Cabal, AB, 6
The Great and Secret Show, AB, 10
The Great and Secret Show, HP, 19
Barnes, John
A Million Open Doors, LSFF, 21
Barton, William och Capobianco, Michael
Iris, AB, 10
Baxter, Stephen
Raft, BLV, 15
Bear, Greg
Anvil of Stars, MO, 19
Anvil of Stars, LSFF, 22
Eternity, BLV, 9
Forge of God, MO, 19
Forge of God, LSFF, 22
Bellamy, Edward
En återblick, RK, 9
Benford, Gregory
Great Sky River, LS, 7
Timescape, TP, 5
Timescape, JZ, 10
Benford, Gregory och Eklund, Gordon
Find the Changeling, TP, 5
Blake, Katherine
The Interior Life, JF, 19
Blish, James
ESPer, TP, 4
Bova, Ben
Mars, BLV, 17
Boyd, John
The Rakehells of Heaven, TP, 1
Bradbury, Ray
Zen in the Art of Writing, HP, 23
Death is a Lonely Business, AB, 2
Invasion på Mars, HP, 17
Bradley, Marion Zimmer
Falcons of Narabeda, W, 3
The Mists of Avalon, HP, 20
Brin, David
Earth, BLV, 11
The Postman, TP, 11
Sundiver, TP, 4
Brunner, John
Interstellar Empire, W, 3
The Long Result, LS, 6
The Sheep Look Up, PW, 2
The Shockwave Rider, TP, 2
The Shockwave Rider, W, 3
Stand on Zanzibar, TP, 2
Stand on Zanzibar, LS, 6
Brust, Stephen
The Sun, the Moon and the Stars, W, 4
Bujold, Lois McMaster
Barrayar, HP, 18
Barrayar, MO, 19
Borders of Infinity, TP, 6
Borders of Infinity, MO, 12
Borders of Infinity, MO, 19
Brothers in Arms, TP, 6
Brothers in Arms, MO, 19
Ethan of Athos, TP, 6
Falling Free, BLV, 7
Shards of Honor, MO, 19
The Vor Game, TP, 9
The Vor Game, MO, 19
The Warrior's Apprentice, TP, 6
The Warrior's Apprentice, MO, 19
Cadigan, Pat
Synners, LSFF, 22
Capobianco, Michael och Barton, William
Iris, AB, 10
Card, Orson Scott
Ender's Game, PW, 2
Hart's Hope, PW, 2
Hot Sleep, PW, 2
Oackompanjerad sonat, PW, 2
Songmaster, ER, 2
Speaker for the Dead, PW, 2
Wyrms, PW, 2
Xenocide, BLV, 15
Carré, John le
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, TP, 9
Cherryh, C. J.
Cyteen, W, 4
Merchanter's Luck, TP, 9
Rimrunners, TP, 9
Wave Without a Shore, W, 3
Clarke, Arthur C. och Lee, Gentry
Rama II, BLV, 11
Collins, Nancy A.
In the Blood, HP, 18
Sunglasses After Dark, HP, 10
Cramer, John
Twistor, BLV, 14
Crichton, Michael
Farkosten, CB, 23
Davenport, Emily
Shade, BLV, 14
Shade, JF, 19
Davis, Margret
Mind Light, BLV, 18
Davis, Paul
The Edge of Infinity -- Beyond the Black Hole, JZ, 10
Day, Chet
The Hacker, HP, 10
De Camp, L. Sprague och Pratt, Fletcher
The Compleat Enchanter, MO, 9
Delany, Samuel R.
Babel 17, CB, 2
The Einstein Intersection, AB, 3
The Einstein Intersection, TP, 4
Dick, Philip K.
The Man in the High Castle, HP, 14
Dickson, Gordon R.
Dorsai!, MO, 19
Tactics of Mistake, MO, 19
Drake, David
Hammer's Slammers, MO, 19
Eddings, David
The Diamond Throne, W, 4
Effinger, George Alec
When Gravity Fails, TP, 3
The Exile Kiss, BLV, 13
Eklund, Gordon och Benford, Gregory
Find the Changeling, TP, 5
Elliott, Kate
Jaran, LSFF, 22
Ende, Michael
Momo eller Kampen om tiden, W, 4
Feist, Raymond E.
Faerie Tale, W, 4
The Serpent War Saga 1: Shadow of a Dark Queen, HP, 23
Feynman, R. P.
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman, TP, 3What Do You Care What Other People Think?R. P. FeynmanTP4
Fine, Stephen
Molly Dear, AB, 3
Flynn, Michael
In the Country of the Blind, HP, 19
The Nanotech Chronicles, CD, 18
Ford, John M.
The Princes of the Air, TP, 9
Foster, Alan Dean
Glory Lane, TP, 3
Icerigger, PW, 2
Mission to Moulokin, PW, 2
Nor Crystal Tears, TP, 3
Quozl, TP, 5
Friesner, Esther
Elf Defense, W, 4
Harlot's Ruse, W, 4
New York by Knight, W, 4
New York by Knight, HP, 20
Gaiman, Neil och Pratchett, Terry
Good Omens, TP, 11
Gardner, Craig Shaw
A Disagreement with Death, TP, 4
An Excess of Enchantment, TP, 4
Gentle, Mary
A Hawk in Silver, HP, 14
Gerrold, David
The Man Who Folded Himself, TP, 14
Gerrold, David Niven, Larry
The Flying Sorcerers, TP, 20
Geston, Mark S.
Mirror to the Sky, LSFF, 22
Gibson, William
Burning Chrome, AB, 2
Mona Lisa Overdrive, AB, 2
Giger, H. R.
A Rh+, HP, 22
Gilden, Mel
Hawaiian U. F. O. Aliens, HP, 12
Surfing Samurai Robots, HP, 12
Godwin, Parke
Waiting for the Galactic Bus, TP, 21
Golden, Christie
Vampire of the Mists, HP, 13
Goldman, William
The Princess Bride, TP, 6
Goulart, Ron
Everybody Comes to Cosmos's, TP, 2
Upside Downside, W, 3
Greenland, Colin
Take Back Plenty, BLV, 14
Haldeman, Joe
The Forever War, MO, 19
The Long Habit of Living, LJ, 9
Harrison, Harry
The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted, TP, 2
West of Eden, PW, 3
Winter in Eden, PW, 3
Heinlein, Robert A.
Starship Troopers, MO, 19
Hightower, Lynn S.
Alien Blues, TP, 21
Holland, Cecilia
Floating Worlds, LS, 4
Ings, Simon
Hot Head, HP, 19
Jeter, K. W.
Dr Adder, TP, 4
Jones, Raymond F.
The Cybernetic Brains, HP, 14
Kagan, Janet
Mirabile, BLV, 18
Kandel, Michael
Strange Invasion, AB, 6
Keith Jr., William H.
Decision at Thunder Rift, HP, 14
Kerr, Katherine
Darkspell, W, 4
Polar City Blues, TP, 11
King, Stephen
Den flyende mannen, HP, 9
Dolores Claiborne, HP, 20
Four Past Midnight, HP, 13
Gerald's Game, HP, 16
Knight, Damon
In Search of Wonder, HP, 22
Komatsu, Sakyo
Japan sjunker, HP, 20
Koontz, Dean R.
The Face of Fear, HP, 12
Viskningar, HP, 19
Kress, Nancy
An Alien Light, BLV, 9
An Alien Light, HP, 22
Beggars in Spain, HP, 22
Brain Rose, BLV, 13
Brain Rose, HP, 19
Laumer, Keith
The House in November, TP, 23
Lee, Gentry och Clarke, Arthur C.
Rama II, BLV, 11
Lee, Sharon och Miller, Steve
Carpe Diem, CB, 12
Lee, Tanith
Sabella or The Blood Stone, TP, 20
LeGuin, Ursula K.
Earthsea Trilogy, HP, 19
Lem, Stanislaw
The Futurological Congress, HP, 13
Lindbohm, Dénis
Blod på solen, HP, 14
Lloyd, John och Adams, Douglas
The Deeper Meaning of Liff, HP, 20
Lundwall, Sam J.
En bok om science fiction, fantastik, futurism, robotar, monster,
vampyrer, utopier, dystopier och annat märkvärdigt och oväntat och
osannolikt, HP, 23
Gäst i Frankensteins hus, HP, 19
Utopia -- Dystopia: Nedslag i framtidens politiska historia, HP, 19
McCrumb, Sharyn
Bimbos of the Death Sun, TP, 5
McDonald, Ian
King of Morning, Queen of Day, CB, 13
Out On Blue Six, CB, 12
Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone, HP, 22
McIntyre, Vonda N.
Starfarers, BLV, 7
Miller, Steve och Lee, Sharon
Carpe Diem, CB, 12
Moorcock, Michael
Behold the Man, HP, 20
The Fortress of the Pearl, HP, 11
Morrell, David
Rosens broderskap, HP, 22
Mårtensson, Bertil
Mah-Jong morden, TP, 15
Niven, Larry och Pournelle, Jerry
Invasion, BLV, 9
Ohlmarks, Åke
Tolkien och den svarta magin, HP, 19
Ore, Rebecca
Becoming Alien, CB, 12
Becoming Alien, BLV, 13
Being Alien, CB, 12
Being Alien, BLV, 13
Human to Human, BLV, 13
Panshin, Alexei
Rite of Passage, W, 3
Star Well, TP, 20
Poe, Edgar Allan
Tales of Mystery and Imagination, HP, 14
Pohl, Frederick
Gateway, CB, 7
Homegoing, CB, 7
Pournelle, Jerry
Falkenberg's Legion, MO, 19
Pournelle, Jerry och Niven, Larry
Invasion, BLV, 9
Powers, Tim
The Anubis Gates, MO, 15
The Anubis Gates, HP, 22
Dinner at Deviant's Palace, MO, 15
The Drawing of the Dark, MO, 15
Last Call, CD, 21
On Stranger Tides, MO, 15
The Stress of Her Regard, MO, 15
Pratchett, Terry
Strata, TP, 2
The Dark Side of the Sun, TP, 4
Diggers, TP, 11
Eric, HP, 11
Magins färg, HP, 9
Moving Pictures, HP, 13
Only You Can Save Mankind, HP, 20
Small Gods, HP, 18
Sourcery, TP, 6
Truckers, TP, 9
The Unadulterated Cat, HP, 14
Wings, HP, 13
Pratchett, Terry och Gaiman, Neil
Good Omens, TP, 11
Pratt, Fletcher och De Camp, L. Sprague
The Compleat Enchanter, MO, 9
Rasmussen, Alis A.
A Passage of Stars, BLV, 9
Reaves, Michael
The Burning Realm, CD, 18
The Shattered World, CD, 18
Street Magic, CD, 21
Reed, Robert
The Remarkables, BLV, 17
Rees, Richard
The Illuminati Conspiracy, HP, 17
Resnick, Mike
Ivory, MO, 12
Ivory: A Legend of Past and Future, CD, 21
Santiago, A Myth of the Far Future, W, 4
Santiago, CD, 18
Rey, Lester del
Revolt på Mars, HP, 18
Robinson, Frank M.
The Dark Beyond the Stars, BLV, 17
Robinson, Spider
Telempath, TP, 5
Rucker, Rudy
Master of Space and Time, TP, 4
Russel, Eric Frank
Dreadful Sanctury, TP, 5
Next of Kin, TP, 5
Russo, Richard Paul
Destroying Angel, BLV, 15
Saberhagen, Fred
The First Book of Swords, PW, 2
The Second Book of Swords, PW, 2
The Third Book of Swords, PW, 2
Schmitz, James H.
The Eternal Frontiers, TP, 6
Scott, Melissa
Burning Bright, TP, 22
The Empress of Earth, BLV, 16
Five-Twelfths of Heaven, BLV, 16
The Game Beyond, BLV, 7
The Kindly Ones, BLV, 7
Mighty Good Road, LS, 20
Silence in Solitude, BLV, 16
Sheffield, Charles
Cold as Ice, TP, 23
The Nimrod Hunt, AB&CB, 7
Proteus Unbound, JZ, 10
Sight of Proteus, JZ, 10
Summertide, TP, 15
The Web Between Worlds, HP, 17
Shepard, Lucius
Kallimantan, CD, 21
Sherman, Deila
Through a Brazen Mirron, W, 3
Shiner, Lewis
Frontera, TP, 5
Simak, Clifford D.
Porten till stjärnorna, BLV, 9
They Walked Like Men, TP, 7
Simmons, Dan
Hyperion, BLV, 12
Månens dragningskraft (Phases of Gravity), HP, 23
Sladek, John
Roderick at Random, W, 3
Smith, Cordwainer
The Planet Buyer, TP, 3
Smith, E. E. ''Doc''TriplanetaryE. E. ''Doc'' SmithTP2
Stabenow, Dana
Second Star, BLV, 15
Stableford, Brian
Castaways of Tanagar, AB, 10
To Challenge Chaos, TP, 11
The Empire of Fear, BLV, 12
The Mind Riders, TP, 11
The Walking Shadow, TP, 11
Stanton, Mary
The Heavenly Horse of the Outermost West, HP, 19
Stasheff, Christopher
The Warlock's Companion, TP, 3
Steele, Allen
Lunar Descent, BLV, 13
Orbital Decay, BLV, 7
Stenhagen, Jan-Jöran
Datadyrkarna, HP, 16
Samkörarna, HP, 22
Stephenson, Neal
Snow Crash, HP, 20
Snow Crash, LSFF, 21
Sterling, Bruce
The Artificial Kid, TP, 5
Sturgeon, Theodore
The Cosmic Rape, HP, 13
Swahn, Sven Christer
Havsporten, HP, 20
Swanwick, Michael
In the Drift, HP, 22
Vacuum Flowers, TP, 5
Tarr, Judith
The Lady of Han-Gilen, W, 4
Tenhovaara, Mika Henry
Y, CB, 2
Y, HP, 14
Tepper, Sheri S.
After Long Silence, TP, 21
The Awakeners, TP, 21
Marianne, the Magus and the Manticore, W, 3
Marianne, the Madame and the Momentary Gods, W, 3
Shadow's End, HP, 22
Tiptree Jr., James
The Starry Rift, TP, 20
Turner, George
Brain Child, BLV, 16
Vance, Jack
Big Planet, TP, 20
Showboat World, TP, 23
Throy, TP, 20
Varley, John
Demon, CD, 18
Titan, CD, 18
Wizard, CD, 18
Verne, Jules
Gröna strålen, HP, 17
Vinge, Joan D.
Catspaw, TP, 6
The Summer Queen, LSFF, 21
Vinge, Vernor
A Fire Upon the Deep, LSFF, 21
A Fire Upon the Deep, CB, 23
Marooned in Real Time, TP, 2
Threats ... and Other Promises, LS, 6
True Names ... and Other Dangers, TP, 5
True Names ... and Other Dangers, LS, 6
The Peace War, TP, 1
Wells, H. G.
Krocketspelaren, JN, 7
Världarnas krig, MO, 19
Wennerberg, Nicholas
Sam Jerrie Lundwall -- samhällskritiker och underhållare, HP, 23
Westlake, Donald E.
Tomorrow's Crime, TP, 14
Williams, Michael
Weasel's Luck, HP, 19
Williams, Walter John
The Crown Jewels, TP, 3
House of Shards, TP, 3
Voice of the Whirlwind, TP, 4
Williamson, Jack
The Legion of Space, TP, 9
Seetee, LS, 5
Willis, Connie
Domedagsboken, CB, 23
Doomsday Book, HP, 18
Doomsday Book, BLV, 19
Wilson, Robert Anton
Nature's God, HP, 13
Wilson, Robert Charles
A Bridge of Years, BLV, 16
Wolfe, Gene
Endangered Species, MO, 12
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn
Hôtel Transylvania, HP, 23
Zelazny, Roger
The Doors of his Face, the Lamps of his Mouth and Other Stories, W, 3
This Immortal, TP, 4
Lord of Light, TP, 4
Eshbach, Lloyd ArthurOf Worlds BeyondLloyd Arthur EshbachHP23
Herron, DonReign of Fear: The Fiction and Film of Stephen King (1982-1989)Don Herron, ed.HP22
Holmberg, John-HenriDen fantastiska julenJohn-Henri Holmberg, red.HP20
Slung, MicheleI nöd och lustMichele Slung, red.HP21
Sterling, BruceMirrorshadesBruce SterlingTP5
McDonald, Ian och Lyttleton, DavidKling Klang KlatchIan McDonald & David LyttletonRK17 Kling Klang KlatchIan McDonald & David LyttletonCD18
Moench, Doug; Broderick, Pat och McPheeters, NealSandkingsDoug Moench, Pat Broderick & Neal McPheetersRK7
Watterson, BillYukon HoBill WattersonW4
creatures, theboomerang (cd-skiva)the creaturesTP7
Leary, David A.Unnkulian Underworld: The Unknown Unventure (textäventyrsspel)David A. LearyHP19