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set-presentation [16] (1) Recommended

        set-presentation [16] (( conf-no : Conf-No;
                                 text-no : Text-No ))
                -> ( );

This call sets the presentation text of the conference or person conf-no to the text text-no. To remove a presentation, use a text-no of zero. This call protects the new presentation from being deleted automatically and removes such protection from the old presentation. In lyskomd this is implemented by increasing the mark count on presentation texts.


        1 50 6
        =1 11HDavid Byers 1001
           26 15 11 9 5 96 0 160 1
           26 15 11 9 5 96 0 160 1
           5 0 5 0 5 0 77 1 1 0
        1 16 6 1
        1 50 6
        =1 11HDavid Byers 1001
           26 15 11 9 5 96 0 160 1
           26 15 11 9 5 96 0 160 1
           5 1 5 0 5 0 77 1 1 0

This example shows how the presentation of person 6 is being changed. To start with, the person had no presentation, as is shown by the get-conf-stat-old call. Later, after set-presentation has been called, the presentation field has changed.

Error codes

Login required before issuing this call.
Conference conf-no does not exist or is secret.
conf-no is zero.
Not enough permissions to change presentation of conference conf-no.
Text text-no does not exist or no read permission.
Adding a mark to text text-no would cause it to have too many marks.