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The Finnish-Swedish Offentlighetsprincipen<insert name=__subtitle> The Finnish-Swedish Offentlighetsprincipen (the s.c.nordic FAQ) The Finnish-Swedish Offentlighetsprincipen About : culture, history, places of interest and other things. This page is a part of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file for the newsgroup soc.culture.nordic. Its purpose is to provide some general information about the Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Iceland), to cover some of the topics frequently discussed in the group and to introduce new readers to the group. 1 1 1 1 1 1 > > >

Except for the FAQ-sections on Government, free access to official documents and history in the Sweden-part of the soc.culture.nordic FAQ, the following slightly edited articles could maybe be of some interest. Factual errors are not (yet) corrected.

You can also compare the appropriate parts of the English translations of the Finnish (section 10) and Swedish constitutions.

Subject:      ["Offentlighetsprincip"] Swedish Press - Gothenberg Post 04 Oct 1996
From:         noring@netcom.com (Jon Noring)
Date:         1996/10/09
Message-Id:   <noringDz0u5o.z1@netcom.com>

Saw the following post on a.r.s. For those American IP attornies who don't understand Swedish law, and are aghast that the Parliament can disseminate COPYRIGHTED materials to whoever comes in and asks (except when they are classified for national security reasons), Swedish law has a legal principle called "Offentlighetsprincipen". I've enclosed an edited private e-mail from a Swedish individual (who prefers to remain anonymous), wherein it describes "offentlighetsprincipen". It's an amazing principle, and one which we sorely need here in the U.S. (U.S. IP attornies -- any opinions on whether the U.S. should have such a principle?)

[ ... ]

And now, the "tutorial" on "Offentlighetsprincipen"...

When thinking of the Swiss legal system, you have heard of their oddity: the bank secrecy. But you [probably] have not heard about ours: the "offentlighetsprincipen", the principle of publicly. It's our juridicial oddity, and it's so peculiar, it's better not to translate it. The US equivalence is the Freedom of Information Act, but it's better not to use that parallel, because all US citizens will only get the wrong impression.

The offentlighetsprincipen is divided in two parts: the right for whoever it may be, to be present as listener at court and other public proceedings. The rule is at least from the 15th century, and is of course no oddity at all. Most legal systems state the same. But the other part is: the right, whomever it may be, to anonymously and without giving any reason, immediately and on the spot read public papers in courts and agencies of the municipalities and the state, and to get copies, and publish them, irrespective of the wishes of the original author.

The offentlighetsprincipen is part of the constitution of the Kingdom of Sweden. It has been since 1766; thus the offentlighetsprincipen for public papers is 22 years older than the US constitution. But as Sweden has prefered to rewrite instead of using amendments, it has since been rewritten in 1774, 1809, 1946 and 1976. There is of course also elaborate rules, a thick law, when public papers must be classified. But the basic principles from 1766 have never been changed. And when the computers came, data information became as public as information on paper.

The offenlighetsprincipen is truly revered. When Sweden applied for membership in the European Union, our government said Sweden was prepared to negotiate about exactly everything. Except the offentlighetsprincipen. If the Union didn't accept that as a precondition, Sweden wouldn't apply for a membership.

As Finland was part of Sweden in 1766 and 1774, they have had more or less the same rules, but Norway has never. Since twenty years other countries have followed with Fredom of Information Laws, Denmark e.g. But all those are tame compared with our constitution.

And why is the offentlighetsprincipen revered by even the poorest citizens? Because in other countries the journalists are depending on leaks, but when a whole group of politicians, judges or bureaucrats all are corrupt, there aren't any. But in Sweden all journalists, it's part of their professional pride, dig up the facts nevertheless. Their mud digging achievements the last twenty years are impressive: one Prime Minister elect, three Ministers of Justice, half a dozen Regional Govenors, half a dozen of the highest Police Commanding Officers, at least one parlamentary member a year, and several dozens of local municipal mayors and managers. All sacked. In most cases they hadn't been more corrupt than e.g. using their official taxpaid VISA cards for small private expenses, but that didn't calm the public outrage, and they got sacked and scoffed at nevertheless. The average Swedish citizen is ruthless, almost cruel, with corruption precisely because that we have had this offentlighetsprincip for 200 years; an incomparable effective instrument against fraud.

With such an effectivness, the offentlighetsprincipen is of course hated, hated, hated among politicians and bureaucrats, but they can't even show the slightest hint of that opinion, beause in that case, they won't be reelected. It would be a political suicide.

Our constitution states the following steps (the word paper stands also for data files and data information and the word agencies includes courts):

  1. A paper arrives into an agency, or a paper is finished by a civil or municipial servant.

  2. This constitutes the paper "a common public paper", and as such, it is irrevocably archived for eternity. (With exceptions stated in a separate law.)

  3. The paper's existence is registered. If some part of it is classified, that is flagged in the register.

  4. Whoever, and that is literally, whoever it may be, and anonymously and without giving any reason, immediately and on the spot, is allowed to read the the paper without any cost, and get copies against a fee "without undue delay".

  5. But the offentlighetsprincipen is part on the right to print and distribute daily papers; the constitution's extreme clear wordings allows a publisher to get a copy of a public paper and print it. No one, not even the government or the parliament or the original author, can stop that printing, and of course not a Californian lawyer.

  6. If the publisher or journalist doesn't keep secret who gave out the hot information, they will be prosecuted. These rules are part of the constitution.

  7. If an agency tries to research, use investigators etc., who may have given a certain journalist the hot information, they - the responsible civil servant in the offending agency - will be prosecuted by the Chancellor of Justice. These rules, inclusive the penalties, are also part of the constitution.

  8. Just one person, the Swedish Chancellor of Justice, can after the paper is published, sue the publisher, but no one else. The published paper is continously public and may even be reprinted and sold during the trial. (With rare exceptions. It hasn't been any such case since WW II, when a 300 editions were confiscated for national security resons (read: to save us from Nazi anger).

  9. Now observe: just one person can prosecute according to our constitution: the Chancellor of Justice. And he can prosecute just one person: the official publisher. Not the printing company, the tobaccionist, nor the Internet server company. As long as they just distribute the daily paper, or an article in an already published daily paper. Except the publisher they are all safe, even the paper's employed journalist who wrote the article.

  10. Now - and that happens - someone, let's call her Helena, can require a fee from the publisher pretending she has the copyright, and the publisher has printed more than a fair use of the right to quote. But if she wants to stop the ongoing distribution, she must apply to the Chancellor of Justice; it's complete unheard of, that he has done anything on the grounds, that a publisher has infringed copyright. Helena can't under any circumstances stop any ongoing distribution of publications due to alleged damage on her copyrights.

  11. But Helena can sue in civil courts, outside the above constitutional rules, for copyright infringements. If she win, she will get 1000 to 2000 $, no more. It depends on the circumstances, if she will get anything at all. I don't believe it, if the publisher has distributed his paper for free. In one case, a person got about 2 $ in compensation.

  12. But, on the other hand, if someone buys the daily paper, and uses the NOTs and OTs in a new competing Church of Scientology number two, and does it for profit in the Hubbard way, Helena can sue and win huge compensation even here in Sweden. That's another thing: To use printed material for own income or profit.

  13. The weak point above is that our Constitution only gives real tight protection for printed "periodical" papers, the only media in 1766. But our politicians have tried to keep up to protect also Free Speech, TV and so on, but the protection tends always to be tamer, even if they try to avoid such outcome of all the new legislation. In fact no one knows, if a web version of a printed published paper (i.e. NOTs and OTs) can be prosecuted other than by the Chancellor of Justice. But I belive only he can prosecute, even if we can foresee some legal circus before that is firmly stated. And, observe Jon!, during the whole circus, the NOTs and OTs will be complete public. Our rules differ radically from the US ones.
(end of description of "Offentlighetsprincipen")

Jon Noring (A Norwegian proud of his Swedish brethren)

[ It might also be noted that Sweden since the second World War also has it written in the constitution how to decide on cencure in case of wars. I.e. cencure does not demand any constitutional change. This has however not been used. ]

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Subject:      [Forward--Bombshell] Congressman Moorhead sends letter to Sweden
Summary:      U.S. interference in the internal affairs of another country
From:         noring@netcom.com (Jon Noring)
Date:         1996/11/12
Message-Id:   <noringE0rF6K.3wG@netcom.com>
Newsgroups:   misc.legal,misc.int-property,soc.culture.nordic,


Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515-0527

October 28, 1996

The Honorable Birgitta Dahl
Speaker of the Riksdag
100 12 Stockholm
Stockholm, Sweden

Dear Speaker Dahl:

I write as one member of a national legislature to another and ask your immediate assistance in defending the interests of an important constituent of mine, the Religious Technology Center (RTC). Certain special, advanced scriptures of the Church of Scientology are being made publicly available by the Chambers Office of the Swedish Parliament in violation both of copyrights held by RTC and of the deeply held beliefs of Church members in America and throughout the world. I ask that you do all in you power to ensure that these copyrighted materials are immediately returned to their rightful owner, RTC.

The Swedish Parliament received these copyrighted materials from Mr. Zenon Panoussis. Mr. Panoussis is the defendant in a copyright infringement suit brought by RTC in Swedish court. The Stockholm District Court and the Svea Appeals Court have both ordered that the copyrighted materials be sealed; have ordered seized all manner of RTC's copyrighted material in Mr. Panoussis' possession; and have denied Mr: Panoussis' request for a copy of the material in question. It is obvious from these proceedings that Mr. Panoussis gave to the Swedish Parliament RTC mterial that the Svea Court had ordered seized; that Mr. Panoussis had no legal right to possess RTC materials, much less give them to the Swedish Parliament; and that the Svea Court intended, by its sealing order, to keep this material confidential.

These RTC materials have also been the subject of several copyright infringement cases in the United States. The U.S. courts in these cases found RTC to have a copyright in these materials and have allowed RTC to maintain the confidentiality of the materials.

In spite of these facts, the Chambers Office of the Swedish Parliament continues to make the RTC materials available to the public. This action by the Swedish Parliament infringes the copyrights held by RTC under U.S. and Swedish law and under the Berne Convention, to which Sweden is a signatory. Furthermore, this action violates the deeply-held belief of members of the Church of Scientology that these materials should be revealed only to individuals who have achieved a certain level of spiritual preparedness.

I hope that you understand my grave concerns regarding the actions of the Swedish Parliament. If our positions were reversed, and the U.S. Congress were infringing the copyrights and violating the religious sensibilities of a Swedish citizen, I am confident you would demand that I take corrective action. And I can assure you that if the evidence of copyright infringement was as clear as it is in this case, I would use all my authority to have the U.S Congress stop such infringing actions.

I hope that you recognize both the illegality and injustice of the Swedish Parliament's refusal to return the RTC material to its legal owner, and I trust you will take all action necessary to correct this problem.

Respectfully yours,


Carlos J. Moorhead
Chairman, Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property
United States House of Representatives

cc: Justice Minister
    Laila Freivalds
    Fax: 011468202734

    Justice Chancellor
    Johan Hirschfeldt
    Fax 0114687230357

Get the importance and weight of this: it constitutes a diplomatic incident.

Pay attention to the language. This letter could have been written (and most probably was written) by the CoS' lawyers. Either is Moorhead a scieno, or he is paid, or he is extremely naive.

Keith and Grady: In this letter, a US congressman confirms that the NOTs are generally available to the public in Sweden. Do you need anything more than a certified copy of this letter in order to win your cases?

The parliament NOTs should really have taught the American scieno lawyers something about the Swedish offentlighetsprincip, the right of citizens to access the government's documents. Evidently they learned nil. Had they learned their lesson, then they would know that a letter like this would sooner or later surface in ars. I bet Congressman Moorhead is not used to that. Well, teach him the lesson. Do it in a serious way. Call a newspaper, a radio station, a TV station.

Note the fax numbers at the bottom of the letter. If you feel that you have something to say about the integrity of the concerned authorities and their refusal to submit to undue pressure, use your fax. And don't forget to drop a note to your congressman. Remember: the scienos work day and night writing letters and faxing faxes. Outperform them by sending just one letter or fax each.


oracle@everywhere: The ephemeral source of the eternal truth...

(end of forwarded post)

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From: tomklem@netcom.com (Tom Klemesrud)
Subject: Speaker Dahl's answer to Moorhead
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 08:13:39 GMT
Newsgroups: misc.int-property

[ Article crossposted from alt.religion.scientology,alt.religion.scientology.xenu ]
[ Author was Ex Mudder ]
[ Posted on Thu, 14 Nov 1996 03:49:56 GMT ]

From: Zenon Panoussis 
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 1996 01:01:30 +0100

Again: in order to really grasp the extent of Moorhead's insult, you have to have some insight in diplomatic language. It's full of compliments here and compliments there and silk-smooth and all nastiness between the lines and never on them. Parliament to parliament should be on a slightly more natural, straight-forward level, but just slightly.

Moorhead's letter contained the statement that our parliament is commiting a criminal act no less than five times in one and a half page. It also contained plain-language demands in a tone unheard of. The tone of his letter surpasses the most vicious note of protest on the most serious of international conflict.

The answer should be seen in the same light: as laconic and straight-forward as it could be within the limits of decency. What it says between the lines is "shove it". Here goes:


October 31, 1996

Dear Fellow Parliamentarian, Mr. Carlos J. Moorhead,

Referring to your letter of October 28, I want to inform you that the Chamber Office in the Swedish Parliament has been handling the documents of the Church of Scientology strictly accordingly to the Swedish Constitution.

This is, of course, the only way the Swedish Parliament could deal with this matter.



Birgitta Dahl

I have forwarded both letters to the press.


From: noring@netcom.com (Jon Noring)
Subject: [Forwarded reply to...] Congressman Moorhead (see article "Today's bulletin")
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1996 13:47:14 GMT
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology, alt.society.civil-liberty,
            comp.org.eff.talk, misc.int-property, misc.legal, soc.culture.nordic

In article Zenon Panoussis  writes:
>Congressman Moorhead interfered with Swedish internal matters:

>>The Honorable Birgitta Dahl
>>Speaker of the Riksdag
>>100 12 Stockholm
>>Stockholm, Sweden
>>Dear Speaker Dahl:
>>I write as one member of a national legislature to another and ask your
>>immediate assistance in defending the interests of an important constituent
>>of mine, the Religious Technology Center (RTC). Certain special, advanced
>>scriptures of the Church of Scientology are being made publicly available
>>by the Chambers Office of the Swedish Parliament in violation both of
>>copyrights held by RTC and of the deeply held beliefs of Church members in
>>America and throughout the world. I ask that you do all in you power to
>>ensure that these copyrighted materials are immediately returned to their 
>>rightful owner, RTC.... [snip]

I received the following e-mail from a Swede who prefers to be anonymous:

Dear Jon,
You may forward this to a.r.s if you want. You can make all corrections of the language you prefer without asking me.


  1. He says the Parliamentary NOTs are not forgeries.
  2. He CC the Chancellor of Justice (with his title wrong translated to English), but of course excludes to tell, that the Chancellor also considers the NOTs to be public common papers. But he quotes "the Svea Court" (Lower Court of Appeal), which has temporary classified the NOTs as part of Zenon's civil lawsuite.
  3. Mr Hirschfeldt is no more Chancellor of Justice. (He is in fact President of the "Svea Court" since six months.)
  4. The usefullness of public common papers.
Long live our offentlighetsprincip!


A congressman, Mr. Carlos J. Moorhead, has written to Madam Speaker Birgitta Dahl, demanding her to break with the Swedish Constitution. He is chairman of the Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property. She is Speaker of the Swedisk Parliament, and in that capacity also responsible for the administration of the Office of the Chamber.

Mr. Moorhead writes with words obviously drafted by some lawer for the Co$ or RTC: "If our positions were reversed, and the U.S. Congress were infringing the copyrights and violating the religious sensibilities of a Swedish citizen, I am confident you would demand that I take corrective action."

If the situation was reversed, a member of the Swedish Parliament ("riksdagsman"), quotiong his position as Chairman of the Committee on Law ("Lagutskott") would write a letter to Mr. Speaker Newt Gingrich, asking him to violate the U.S. Constitution in order to satisfy a shady Swedish lawyer in her desperate fight to avoid a collapse of her legal position in a Swedish civil lawsuit.

That, and nothing else, is the correct and pedagogical reversal.

Of course such a letter to Mr. Gingrich would only cause some sort of National Laugh, and bring to fore the question of the mental capacity within the "Lagsutskott" of the Swedish Parliament.


(end of forwarded e-mail)
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