The `Game and Player Information' section contains various information. For a real player, there will also be an email address, and possibly some other information added as well.
=============== GAME AND PLAYER INFORMATION =============== Campaign ............... intro01 Turn ................... 0 Player ................. 3 "Third" We control one system, and have 100 RU available before the commands for this turn.
In turn reports for the following turns, the `Game and Player Information' section will be followed by a `Processing Orders' section, but in the initial turn, there were no orders, so we proceed to the...
...`Events' section. In the following turns, this section will contain actions that happen during the turn, such as ships moving, battles being fought, and so on.
================== EVENTS DURING TURN 0 ================== New game starting!
Apparently, we have 104 resource units (RU) available, 100 from before, and 4 in income from our only system.
=============== FISCAL REPORT AFTER TURN 0 =============== Incoming balance from previous turn ... 100 Income from system in sector 5040 ..... 4 (plus 3 used locally) -------------------- Available funds: 104 RU Additionally, we have a total of 3 RU tied up in colonies. (Refer to the status reports for details.)
The `status reports' section will contain many subsections:
==================== STATUS REPORTS ====================
There will be one `System in sector ...' subsection for each system we own, detailing the budget of the system, listing equipment, installations, and ships for the system.
*** System in sector 5040 *** Size ........ 8 Population .. 24 Local budget: Incoming balance .. 0 RU Production ........ 7 RU Taxes ............. -4 RU ------------ Funds: 3 RU Ships: Our Explorer_1
The `Our Ships' subsection gives a list of all spaceships we own, their locations, how much fuel they have, and if they have any special equipment installed.
*** Our Ships *** Ship Sec. Fuel Equipment ========= ==== ==== ========= Explorer_1 5040 7
The `Overview Map' shows all information the scanner equipment in our systems and onboard our ships gathered during the turn. The `(@40) e' at the side means `a system indicated by an "@" in the map, on this line, in column 40, has one ship present: an "e" ship'.
*** Overview Map *** 33444 89012 48: - :48 49: --- :49 50:--@--:50 (@40) e 51: --- :51 52: - :52 (@) System belonging to us (e) Explorer ship belonging to us
The overview map is only a fallback if you can't (or don't want to) use the graphics map that is usually included as an attachment in the turn report letter. The graphics map also contains information about sectors you have seen previously, but not scanned during this move. See below for an example.
The `All Known Ships' section gives a list of all ships we have scan information about, both ships belonging to us and ship belonging to other players.
*** All Known Ships *** Sector Owner Type Notes ====== ========= ================= ======= 5040 (ours) explorer `Explorer_1'.
The `Technology Report' is mainly status information, although some technology-related news reports can be reported here as well. These items will be indented and have a symbol next to them, to make them easier to spot.
================ TECHNOLOGY REPORT ================ Current technology level: 2 Our scientists estimate that unless unexpected progress is achieved through technology exchange or sudden breakthoughs, we will need to spend roughly another 300 RU on research to advance our technology level further. Further, the following technologies seem within our technological ability to develop during the following turn: mining (cost: 30 RU) scanner_array (cost: 15 RU) warpdrive (cost: 25 RU) We can build ships of the following types: guardian (25 RU), cruiser (20 RU), scout (8 RU), colonizer (50 RU), explorer (40 RU). We can equip ships with the following devices: fuelscoop (7 RU). We can build these planetary installations: shipyard (30 RU), space_station (25 RU), research_facility (40 RU), infrastructure (5 RU), fuel_depot (10 RU).
The `Autopilot Commands' section will only be present if you haven't disabled the autopilot function. The autopilot isn't particularly clever, so it will only suggest some simple, basic commands, but this may be better than no orders at all if you miss the deadline...
================ AUTOPILOT COMMANDS ================= ## These are the `autopilot' commands for the next move. If the autopilot ## function is not disabled (with `set option autopilot off'), these ## orders will be used if you don't submit orders of your own before ## the deadline. build space_station in sector 5040 move Explorer_1 to sector 4726
The `New Order Sheet' gives an order sheet that you can cut-and-paste when you send in orders, saving some time, and reducing the risk for typing errors in the campaign name and player number.
============ NEW ORDER SHEET FOR TURN 1 ============ campaign intro01 player 3 ### Our ship Explorer_1 is in sector 5040 # move Explorer_1 to ... ### We have 104 RU available for spending. end player
Since we gave some orders for this turn, a `Processing Orders' section was included. If we hadn't submitted any orders, but still had the autopilot enabled, the server would have used the autopilot orders instead. Or, at least that is what would happen in subsequent updates -- missing the first update could cause your player to be given away to someone else who has applied for this campaign...
=============== GAME AND PLAYER INFORMATION =============== Campaign ............... intro01 Turn ................... 1 Player ................. 3 "Third" We control one system, and have 104 RU available before the commands for this turn. ==================== PROCESSING ORDERS ==================== > campaign intro01 > player 3 > build space_station in sector 5040 OK. > move Explorer_1 to sector 4726 Ordering ship `Explorer_1' from sector 5040 to sector 4726, but the ship may take more than one turn to get there. > end player 79 RU left after commands.
In addition to the two predictable consequences of our orders -- that the space station was built in sector 5040, and that our ship Explorer_1 moved -- we were lucky: the explorer ship found a wreck with some useful equipment inside. This is particularly fortunate considering we haven't yet developed the warpdrive technology, and consequently wouldn't have been able to build warpdrive equipment by ourselves.
================== EVENTS DURING TURN 1 ================== A new space station installation has been built in sector 5040. `Explorer_1' has now reached coordinates 4936-56, heading for sector 4726. Explorer_1 has found the wreckage of an unidentified spaceship, and salvaged a warpdrive.
In addition to what we saw in the initial turn report, the `Fiscal Report' section now contains information about expenditure.
=============== FISCAL REPORT AFTER TURN 1 =============== Incoming balance from previous turn ... 104 Construction costs this turn .......... -25 Maintenance costs for ships ........... -2 Income from system in sector 5040 ..... 4 (plus 3 used locally) -------------------- Available funds: 81 RU Additionally, we have a total of 6 RU tied up in colonies. (Refer to the status reports for details.)
A few changes since previous turn: Explorer_1 has left, a new space station has been built, and there is a bit more money and fuel.
==================== STATUS REPORTS ==================== *** System in sector 5040 *** Size ........ 8 Population .. 29 Fuel ........ 2 Local budget: Incoming balance .. 3 RU Production ........ 7 RU Taxes ............. -4 RU ------------ Funds: 6 RU Installations: space_station
*** Our Ships *** Ship Sec. Fuel Equipment ========= ==== ==== ========= Explorer_1 4936 4 warpdrive *** Overview Map *** 333333444 456789012 47: - :47 48: --- - :48 49:--e----- :49 50: -----@--:50 51: - --- :51 52: - :52 (@) System belonging to us (e) Explorer ship belonging to us *** All Known Ships *** Sector Owner Type Notes ====== ========= ================= ======= 4936 (ours) explorer `Explorer_1'.
================ TECHNOLOGY REPORT ================ Current technology level: 2 Our scientists estimate that unless unexpected progress is achieved through technology exchange or sudden breakthoughs, we will need to spend roughly another 300 RU on research to advance our technology level further. Further, the following technologies seem within our technological ability to develop during the following turn: mining (cost: 30 RU) scanner_array (cost: 15 RU) warpdrive (cost: 25 RU) We can build ships of the following types: guardian (25 RU), cruiser (20 RU), scout (8 RU), colonizer (50 RU), explorer (40 RU). We can equip ships with the following devices: fuelscoop (7 RU). We can build these planetary installations: shipyard (30 RU), space_station (25 RU), research_facility (40 RU), infrastructure (5 RU), fuel_depot (10 RU).
Now that the system has a space station, the autopilot suggests an investment in infrastructure. This makes sense, as the improved infrastructure increases both the production and the population capacity of the system.
================ AUTOPILOT COMMANDS ================= ## These are the `autopilot' commands for the next move. If the autopilot ## function is not disabled (with `set option autopilot off'), these ## orders will be used if you don't submit orders of your own before ## the deadline. build infrastructure in sector 5040 # Continue moving Explorer_1 toward sector 4726 move Explorer_1 to sector 4726
============ NEW ORDER SHEET FOR TURN 2 ============ campaign intro01 player 3 ### Continue moving ship `Explorer_1' toward sector 4726. move Explorer_1 to sector 4726 ### We have 81 RU available for spending. end player =================================================
The large disc represents an inhabitable solar system, and the smaller symbols (in this case just the triangle) indicate ships. The tight dot pattern indicates sectors we have not been able to scan yet.
However, `Krang' is one of the alien empires, so there isn't much opportunity for diplomacy here.
*** Overview Map *** 3333333333444 0123456789012 46: - :46 47: --- :47 48:--e*- - :48 (*33) N 49: --- --- :49 50: - --@--:50 51: --- :51 52: - :52 (@) System belonging to us (N) Neutral ship (e) Explorer ship belonging to us (*) System in sector 4833, size: 7, owner: Krang (neutral) *** All Known Ships *** Sector Owner Type Notes ====== ========= ================= ======= 4832 (ours) explorer `Explorer_1'. 4833 Krang interdictor
Colours are used to indicate ownership: our own ships and colonies are always displayed in white on our map, while other people have various colours. Grey represents unowned systems. Some players will have a single colour, while other will have a two-colour pattern where one colour is black. Other two-colour patterns indicate alien (computer controlled) empires, such as the yellow-green of the Krang in this example.
This example also shows a less dense dot pattern in a number of sectors. This indicates that we have scanned these sectors previously, but don't have any fresh information about them; the information displayed in these sectors may thus be obsolete.