Just e-mail your update to We always need the name of the machine you're sending us
information about. If you can, please tell us the ID number of
the machine as well. The ID number is listed in all search
results. If you can't find the ID number, we'll need the
manufacturer and the approximate age of the machine if you can
figure it out.
- Where Did You Get If you're sending us information about a machine that's not
in the database already, please be as thorough as possible.
We're reluctant to add machines to the database unless we have
at least the name, manufacturer and year the machine was
released, although we do make exceptions to that rule when we
feel it's warranted.
- Want to send We prefer JPEG images with very high quality (low
compression), at least 400 pixels wide. We're interested in
all types of illustrations, including scanned flyers,
posters, ads, instruction cards and even schematics.
- Who are You? ::
Finally, please let us know who you are. Include an e-mail
address in case we need to contact you.
* Checklist \\
- :: You can follow this checklist when sending us e-mail. \\
- :: Thanks for helping us make the Internet Pinball Database the
best and most comprehensive source of information on pinball
machines in the world.
Machine! ::
We need to know which machine you are talking about. Since
there are often several machines with the same name and
sometimes even the same manufacturer, it is sometimes
difficult for us to figure out which machine is meant just
from the name.
the Information? ::
When we get conflicting information, and we often do, we try
to decide on which version to include in the database based on
where the information came from. So when sending us an update,
please say where your information comes from. Typical
information sources are the machine itself, a flyers, memory,
or from being involved in the design of the machine.
- The Information
Once the formalities are done, send us all the information you
want. We're interested in pretty much anything related
to any pinball machine.
photos? ::
Sure you do! If you have a photo that you feel would be useful
in the database, perhaps a picture of a machine that's
currently without, or a new view or a photo that's an
improvement over one we already have, please e-mail it to