This list is maintained
by Linus
at Lysator Academic Computer Society.
Lysator is located at the
Linköping University in
This is a list of computer clubs in scandinavia.
This is really a list of the
Nucc (Nordic University Computer Club) community.
The list has ambitions to be a very good list in this aspect but is probably not.
I will however include corrections and additions that are sent to me
(Linus). You can read more about
Nucc and Nuccc.
Astrakan, Högskolan in Gävle Sandviken, Sandviken, Sverige
B.I.G., The computer society of Borlänge
CD, Chalmers datorförening, Chalmers, Göteborg, Sverige
Ctrl-C, Linköping University, Linköping, Sverige
Dash, Halmstad Högskola, Halmstad, Sverige
Datorföreningen vid Lunds Universitet och Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Lund, Sverige
DatorSektionen inom HHGS, Handelshögskolan i Göteborg, Göteborg, Sverige
FUKT, Högskolan i Karlskrona/Ronneby, Ronneby, Sverige
Ludd, Luleå University, Luleå, Sverige
Lysator, Linköping University, Linköping, Sverige
Medio, Mitthögskolan, Östersund, Sverige
Mitthögskolan Härnösands Datorförening, Mitthögskolan, Härnösand, Sverige
Modeemi Ry, Tampere, Finland
Netverksgruppa, University of Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway
Oslostudentenes Dataforening, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
ProgramVareVerkstedet, University of Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway
Ruut, Lappeenrannan teknillinen korkeakoulu, Lappeenranta (Villmanstrand), Finland
Solace, Mitthögskolan, Sundsvall, Sverige
Stacken, Royal Institute of Technology -- Kth, Stockholm, Sverige
Tietokilta tik, Hut, Helsinkfors, Finland
Tromsøstudentenes dataforening, Universitetet i Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway
TeknologSektionens Datorförening, Umeå Universitet, Umeå, Sverige
Update, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sverige
Örebro Studernter Datorförening, Högskolan i Örebro, Örebro, Sverige
A collection of logotypes of some of the clubs:
List of other clubs
The following clubs are excluded from the above list since
they are not part of the Nucc community. This could be a matter of
debate but noone has yet disagreed with me on this.
- Abc-klubben, Stockholm, Sverige
- Cybernetiskt Selskab, UiO, Oslo, Norway
- TEKNOLOGFÖRENINGEN eller Tekniska högskolans svenskspråkiga nation, Hut, Helsingfors, Finland
- Students of the department of electrical engineering, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
- Under Dusken, Studentavisa i Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway
- SIGAR, UNIT, Oslo, Norge
- MSc Program in Industrial Engeneering and Management (I-linjen), Linköping, Sverige
- CYD-Poolen, CY and D educations computerlab, Linköping, Sverige
- Den Norske Dataforening, Oslonett, Oslo, Norge
- Teknillisen korkeakoulun Ylioppilaskunta, Hut, Helsingfors, Finland
List of lists
There are other www-sites carrying lists of computer clubs just like this one.
I have listed some of them here.
Collected by Linus Tolke <>
on the Lysator WWW-server.
This page was last modified March 2004.