The Church of All Worlds Archive
The Church of All Worlds Archive
The Church of All Worlds (CAW) was originally based on the novel
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A
Heinlein. Nowadays they are a legally accepted church in the United
The Church of All Worlds publishes the influential Neopagan magazine
Green Egg.
For an introduction to CAW, please refer to
the FAQ.
There is also a
basic bibliography provided by CAW.
Please note that some files in these archives may be compressed using
gunzip. Unfortunately not all WWW-browsers can uncompress those
files. However, you can still retrieve them by anonymous ftp from
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This page was last modified September 2021.
This page has been accessed 1847 times since Winter Solstice 1995.
The Lysator Religious Archive is maintained by Ceci Henningsson,