argpcfg not done:
status good makes it impossible/unnecessary to perform this step
argpmake not done:
status good makes it impossible/unnecessary to perform this step
ckargp not done:
status good makes it impossible/unnecessary to perform this step
nettlecfg not done:
status good makes it impossible/unnecessary to perform this step
nettlemake not done:
status good makes it impossible/unnecessary to perform this step
cknettle not done:
status good makes it impossible/unnecessary to perform this step
unzip 10 seconds
unziplog.txt 0 bytes 2004-03-17 10:37:58
unpack 149 seconds
unpacklog.txt 0 bytes 2004-03-17 10:38:09
cfg 1306 seconds (1 warnings)
cfglog.txt 28437 bytes 2004-03-17 11:02:05
cfgwarn.txt 66 bytes 2004-03-17 11:02:23
argpconfiglog.txt 40553 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:16
config-h.txt 16132 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:17
configcache.txt 13306 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:16
configlog.txt 232503 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:16
nettleconfiglog.txt 30042 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:17
sftpconfiglog.txt 57000 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:17
spkiconfiglog.txt 21020 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:17
make 1206 seconds (644 warnings)
makelog.txt 265517 bytes 2004-03-17 11:22:29
makewarn.txt 47182 bytes 2004-03-17 11:22:29
ckprg 2232 seconds
ckprglog.txt 187768 bytes 2004-03-17 11:59:42
install 92 seconds
installlog.txt 21642 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:14
installedfiles.txt 1408 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:15
argpconfig-h.txt 5194 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:16
environ.txt 128 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:22
machineid.txt 367 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:32
mainlog.txt 465 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:14
makeinfo.txt 303 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:23
makeversion.txt 421 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:23
nettleconfig-h.txt 4693 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:17
path.txt 52 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:22
sftpconfig-h.txt 7995 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:17
shlog.txt 238 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:25
spkiconfig-h.txt 4143 bytes 2004-03-17 12:01:17
Page updated: 2004-03-17 12:02:37.