What is new?
- [Development] 04 November 2002
- Looking for a new maintainer.
- [Homepage] 04 January 2001
- New homepage at www.lysator.liu.se/~backstrom/kcmbind/.
I have started to work on kcmbind again.
- [Homepage] 25 August 99
- New homepage at kcmbind.kde.nu
- [Version 0.5.0] 14 Mars 99
- A lot of bug fixes :)
- Checks if directory exists.
- New start/restart/status etc buttons..
- Status should now work with both bind 4.9 and 8.1+.
- [Version 0.4.1] 23 January 99
- A lot of bug fixes :)
- Included a Pattern dialog.
- [Version 0.4.0] 05 December 98
- A lot of bug fixes :)
- Pharser code totally rewritten, hope it works better now.
- [Version 0.3.0] 31 August 98
- A lot of bug fixes :)
- Implemented bind 8.1+ style Read/Write. Test this and please report to me.
- [Version 0.2.1] 12 June 98
- A lot of bug fixes :)
- Implemented writing in bind 8.1+ style. No reading of them yet :(
- [Version 0.2] 04 June 98
- A lot of bug fixes :)
- Implemented writing of /etc/named.boot etc.
- [Version 0.1] 30 May 98