Klaserik Rådström
Online Gallery

Welcome to the online gallery with pictures by Klaserik Rådström. This page was made by Thomas Abrahamsson, and the images was used with the kind permission of the artist.

klaserik works as an art director and illustrator. To paint his wonderful pictures of sealife and animals he uses techniques like indian ink, pencils and water colours. He is also working with computers, using programs as Photoshop.

bear dog ejder
bear dog ejder cow
Sailing man Fisherman eka boat

Above is some thumbnail sized pictures of Klaseriks work. Click on any of them to see a fullsized version, as well as some information about that image.
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This gallery was created by Thomas Abrahamsson. All of the pictures displayed here are copyrighted to Klaserik Rådström, and may not be used or copied without his written permission. To contact Klas, write an email to klaserik.radstrom@enator.se.

Also visit Saras homepage.


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This page was created, and is currently maintained, by celeborn@lysator.liu.se . The last person to edit this file was root <root@lysator.liu.se>, November 1996.