SID Vol.2 Issue #16

Scandinavian Indie Digest Vol.2 Issue #16

Scandinavian Indie Digest      Sat Oct 21, 1995          Volume 2 : Issue 16

There are 37 messages totalling 1140 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Deleted Mailbox - Please Read!
  2. tape chain? (11)
  3. Starmarket Interview [14-Sep-95]
  4. tape chain (4)
  5. tape chain (the Swedish tape)
  6. the tapes
  7. the loosegoats (2)
  8. NON-SCAN: Charlatans Discography v1.1
  9. Mazarine Street (2)
 10. Forwarded: US ADAT project
 11. Mazarine Street + more. (3)
 12. that Stereolab gig (was Re: Mazarine Street + more.) (2)
 13. Backfisch
 14. tape chain, stage 2?
 15. Interviews
 16. Any news from Greene? (2)
 17. The Baltic Tape
 18. Turntables and Bear Quartets...


Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 02:50:11 +0100
Subject: Deleted Mailbox - Please Read!

Sorry to bother the list with this, but unfortunately I managed to
wipe out my mailbox containing email, mailing list messages and
everything from the afternoon of Otcober 1st -> the evening of
October 2nd. This leaves me with a couple of questions:

1. If anyone on the list sent me personal email during that time,
   please re-send if you can, thanks!

2. If anyone on the list keeps messages from the Scan-Indie list
   and have those messages sent during the time described above,
   could you please send them to me? I need them both for the
   digest and because I know (I read them before accidentally
   deleting the mailbox) there are a couple I want to reply to.

Really sorry about all this trouble. I've re-instated the "are
you sure you want to delete .... (y/n)?" setting on the 'rm' command.

 //Erik (


Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 02:50:31 +0100
Subject: Re: tape chain?

On Tue, 3 Oct 1995, (Kimmo Saaskilahti) wrote:

> Some of you might remember that months ago there was some discussion
> on this list about arranging a series of tape chains, presenting
> various types of scan-indie bands to list members. However, this idea
> wasn't never realized.
> Anyway, now I thought I'd bring up the idea again, and I'll volunteer
> to run the first tape chain, demonstrating the poppier side of the
> Finnish indie scene. The tape will feature both already established
> bands and some hip upcoming combos from around this country.

I think it sounds great. Myself, I'm in that dumb position of not having
a double cassette deck, having to rely on friends who do to copy tapes,
but I could probably put together a tape with various swedish bands/tracks
as well as participate in the chain(s) (of course).

> This is how the chain will work:
> I will first compile a tentative track/band listing and post it
> here. If you have any suggestions or requests, feel free to post them
> at this point either to the list where they can be discussed, or by
> private e-mail to me.

Sounds like a really good idea. That way, everyone/country/with comments
on the list can take part in the decisions on what to put on the tape.

> Then, after the (possible) discussion is over and done with,  I will
> post a sign-up notice, and if you're interested, drop me a line. I
> will then compile a more or less sensible schedule for the chain,

I think the way they are doing the tape chains on the 4AD mailing list
(sounds like your suggestion) is the best way as well. From what I
understand it's done like this:

1. The person compiling the tape collects addresses of the interested
   and compiles a list with his/her name at the top.
2. Sends the tape to the first person on the list together with the
   address list (*)
3. That person copies the tape, and sends it to the next one on the list. (*)
4. When the last person on the list is done with the tape, he/she sends
   it back to the first name (the compiling person).

(*) = should we make a tape inlay card (or whatever it's called) with
      a scandinavian indie logo + the track listing for each tape
      and for each person in the chain? They're doing it on the 4AD
      list and it looks great when you have a couple of them in your

      Everyone in the chain takes an inlay card (printed on normal paper)
      and sends the rest with the tape to the next person. That way,
      everyone in the chain gets a good-looking (hopefully) collection
      of tapes in the end. I have a couple of pretty good logos that
      could be used. This requires that the compiling person has a
      laser printer though.

      Each compiling person can then add whatever sub-title to the
      tape he/she wants, like "Scandinavian Indie Compilation #1 -
      Finnish Indie", the next "Danish Indie", "Swedish Indie" and
      so on...

Well.. just thoughts from my side. Let me/us all know what you think
about these ideas.



Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 02:52:48 +0100
Subject: Starmarket Interview [14-Sep-95]

Scandinavian Indie 	     Short interview with                        v1.0


                   by Erik S”derstr”m ( 
           after a gig at Herrg†r'n, Link”ping, Sweden, 14-Sep-95.

           Starmarket are:
           Patrik Bergman (vocals, bass)        Magnus berg (drums)
           Fredrik Br„ndstr”m (vocals, guitar)  Johan Sellman (guitar)

                         (c) 1995 Scandinavian Indie

         If the answer is "A." it was answered by the group as a whole.


PB. We were all tired at the end. Someone said "we'll play one more song!",
and we were like "No! No!" But it was a good gig. About as fun as Gothenburg.
That was a great gig! Well, this one was just as fun actually with all those
people down there. 'Amber' worked like hell! A sure floorfiller.

PB. 'Your Style', 'Amber', and then 'North', 'Withered', 'Nailbox', and
'School'. Some of the last four will be released on a limited edition (500
copies) vinyl single. After that we played  'Cosy And Warm', 'Orbit',
'Scattered', 'Unwanted', 'Chuck', 'Hollowminded' and 'Parking Lot'.

PB. Well, Fredrik also plays in Blithe (bass), Magnus and Johan play in
Shredhead, so that leaves me all alone in Starmarket (ha ha). Fredrik
joined after they (Blithe) had released their second album. About Magnus
and Johan? That's another story.

PB. Okay. As you might know, there used to be two guys, Stefan and Fredrik
Granberg (yes, they are cousins) from Randy in Starmarket. Drums and guitar.
That was really great. They had the experience we needed and connections with
the record label (Dolores), which got us onto that label. They were still in
the band when we recorded the album "Starmarket", but when the whole thing
got so big, it went too well, so they quit. They wanted to have time for
their own band, Randy and not just Starmarket. That's where Johan and Magnus
came in. They joined about two weeks before our first booked gig, and we
didn't have time to rehearse at all, which they (at the gig) probably could
tell from the way we sounded. That was in Gothenburg, april this year by the

PB. We're signed to Semaphore in Germany and the Benelux countries. Japan?
We're only available on import there right now, but we'll negotiate some
kind of deal this autumn with some company. I have no idea how well our
records have sold outside Sweden though. Oh yeah, we were featured in a
fanzine in the U.S. called "Maximum Rock 'n Roll" too, and got a great
review. They said they had expected typical swedish music but were surprised.

PB. All of us have a really wide taste in music, but personally, I like
american bands like Archers of Loaf, Superchunk, Posies and Sebadoh.
FB. I'm into the american sound as well, but I also like Portishead and
Swervedriver. They have an american sound at least.

PB. That would be Fireside (did I mention Fireside?), Salt, Bear Quartet
and ... hmm, Honey Is Cool. Those are the ones that comes to mind right now.

PB. Not tour in that word, but we do have gigs outside Sweden. Tomorrow, we
have a gig in Denmark and in november, we'll probably be in Oslo. That's
about it for our plans right now though.

PB. We have no idea either! The label made them for us. We never asked why
they put '69' on them.

FB. For me, it's kind of tricky, but I definitely work harder with
Starmarket. I mean, I want to do more than just play bass, which is what I
do in Blithe. Here I sing, which I love to do, and play the guitar. It's a
lot more fun and a whole different feeling.
JS. Well, there are no problems for us. Shredhead is not that known yet, so
we have time and room for Starmarket.

PB. First, we released "Amber", a 3-track single, then this summer, the
full-length "Starmarket" and now, right now, we're releasing an EP called
"Your Style" with 5 tracks on it. One is included on the full-length and
one is from the 'Prince' compilation, the rest have never been released
before. About the 'Prince' compilation - we played 'When Doves Cry" on that

PB. Well, West Side and North Of No South thought we were too scattered.
That was back when Stefan and Fredrik from Randy were in the band. It was
the Randy connection that did it. But because Randy was signed to Dolores,
we had no trouble with that label.

[at this time a guard comes into the room and tells everyone, except the
band, to leave, and he didn't leave before they were all out of there.]

A. That really makes us sick. Guards telling us we can't talk to our friends
in our (the band's) own room. It creates such a bad feeling. It makes us all
just want to leave.

              Scandinavian Indie Starmarket interview  14-sep-95

   Scandinavian Indie - your Internet guide to scandinavian independent music
             E-mail: Phone: +46-(0)13-175042
  Snail-mail: Erik S”derstr”m, Bj”rnk„rrsg. 13 B:34, 582 51 Link”ping, Sweden


Date: Tue, 3 Oct 95  22:06:11 EDT
From: Stephen Wood 
Subject: tape chain


The tape chain sounds like a very good idea - please include me on the
distribution list!


Stephen Wood


Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 10:51:50 +0200 (EET)
From: Sami Rouhento 
Subject: Re: tape chain?


a tape chain is a brilliant idea! I *need* to hear all those weird
swedish bands people here keep talking about...



Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 13:48:48 +0200 (EET)
From: (Kimmo Saaskilahti)
Subject: Re: tape chain

* I think it sounds great. Myself, I'm in that dumb position of not having
* a double cassette deck, having to rely on friends who do to copy tapes,
* but I could probably put together a tape with various swedish bands/tracks
* as well as participate in the chain(s) (of course).

Great! Maybe we can run one tape chain each month, I don't think it
would be sensible to try and arrange several at the same time.

Suggestions for possible tapes in the future:

- Norwegian/Danish/Icelandic/Baltic (one tape for each region)
- A West Side Fabrication special showcase
- other Swedish indiepop

* Sounds like a really good idea. That way, everyone/country/with comments
* on the list can take part in the decisions on what to put on the tape.

Yes, I thought this kind of 'interactive' decision-making would be
more fun than having just one person deciding what to include. I'll
try to compile a list of suggestions for the first tape already during
this week.

* I think the way they are doing the tape chains on the 4AD mailing list
* (sounds like your suggestion) is the best way as well. From what I
* understand it's done like this:

Thanks, Erik, for explaining so clearly how the chain will work - this
is exactly what I had in mind (in fact, I got the whole idea from the
4AD list anyway :) )

* (*) =3D should we make a tape inlay card (or whatever it's called) with
*       a scandinavian indie logo + the track listing for each tape
*       and for each person in the chain? They're doing it on the 4AD
*       list and it looks great when you have a couple of them in your
*       collection.

Yeah, why not, when possible. Maybe someone with more expertise in
designing things like this could do the job? Any takers?



Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 15:48:45 +0200 (EET)
From: Markus Wennerstrom 
Subject: tape chain?

What tape chain? Please let me know.



Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 04:59:53 +0100
Subject: re: tape chain?

On Wed, 4 Oct 1995, Sami  wrote:

> a tape chain is a brilliant idea! I *need* to hear all those weird
> swedish bands people here keep talking about...

Heh heh.. well, maybe we (them swedes on the list) should start to
come with suggestions on what we would consider putting on the
Scandinavian Indie - Swedish Indie tape? Any thoughts? Myself, I'm
a definite West Side fan, so that's where most of my stuff is, though
I have a bunch of demo tapes, a couple of compilations (other than the
West Side ones) and a couple of non-West Side CDs like Mouth, Salt,
Souls, Crescent Venus (anyone have news about them by the way?), Whale,
etc. And then there are them old ones too like Shades of Orange and so
on, but I don't think we're going that far back, or are we?

Also, should we only consider rare tracks (like they do on the 4AD list)
or are we going for whatever?

And, are we going to include folk pop (like Hedningarna), soft pop (like
the Cardigans), semi-soft pop (like Blissful), pop (like Popsicle), wimp-
pop (like Brainpool), harder pop (like Salt), rough pop (like Carpe Wade),
hardcore (like Fireside) and punk pop (like Tuk Tuk Rally)?


On the topic of Shades of Orange - I had no idea that the guy who played
bass with them plays with Popsicle...  but then again, I've never been
that much of a Popsicle fan.

Oh well.. 



Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 05:00:02 +0100
Subject: re: tape chain?

On Wed, 4 Oct 1995, Kimmo  wrote:

> Great! Maybe we can run one tape chain each month, I don't think it
> would be sensible to try and arrange several at the same time.

I agree. There's no rush (for me anyway), and I like the concept of
getting a mixed tape with great scandinavian indie in the mail once
a month. Not 5 one day and then nothing. Easier to comment on one
tape on the list than several as well.

> Suggestions for possible tapes in the future:
> - Norwegian/Danish/Icelandic/Baltic (one tape for each region)
> - A West Side Fabrication special showcase
> - other Swedish indiepop

One track from each band on West Side _would_ fill a tape, that's for
sure, though were can we find someone with the complete collection?
Or should we follow in the footsteps of the 4AD list, so that the
list members send tapes with the tracks the compiling person doesn't have
to the compiling person?

> Yes, I thought this kind of 'interactive' decision-making would be
> more fun than having just one person deciding what to include. I'll
> try to compile a list of suggestions for the first tape already during
> this week.

Sounds great. That way we're at least starting something, not just talking
about it. :)

> Thanks, Erik, for explaining so clearly how the chain will work - this
> is exactly what I had in mind (in fact, I got the whole idea from the
> 4AD list anyway :) )

He he.. well, it works well on that list, so why shouldn't it work here!

>> (*) =3D should we make a tape inlay card (or whatever it's called) with
>>      a scandinavian indie logo + the track listing for each tape
>>      and for each person in the chain? They're doing it on the 4AD
>>      list and it looks great when you have a couple of them in your
>>      collection.
> Yeah, why not, when possible. Maybe someone with more expertise in
> designing things like this could do the job? Any takers?

If no-one applies for the job, I can at least try. Maybe I could start
by placing a couple of Scandinavian Indie logos in the ftp directory
( /pub/texts/uxu/SID/).



Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 05:00:10 +0100
Subject: re: tape chain?

On Wed, 4 Oct 1995, Markus  wrote:

> What tape chain? Please let me know.

Well, we're planning a couple of them. One tape with indie music from
each scandinavian country, ie:

1. Scandinavian Indie Tape #1 - Finnish Indie
2. Scandinavian Indie Tape #2 - Swedish Indie
3. Scandinavian Indie Tape #3 - Norwegian Indie
4. Scandinavian Indie Tape #4 - Danish Indie
5. Scandinavian Indie Tape #5 - Icelandic Indie
6. Scandinavian Indie Tape #6 - Baltic Indie

Or something like that. See the previous messages for more information.



Date: Thu, 5 Oct 95 09:27:35 +0100
From: (Robert Cumming)
Subject: re: tape chain?

> On Wed, 4 Oct 1995, Sami  wrote:
> > a tape chain is a brilliant idea! I *need* to hear all those weird
> > swedish bands people here keep talking about...
> Heh heh.. well, maybe we (them swedes on the list) should start to
> come with suggestions on what we would consider putting on the
> Scandinavian Indie - Swedish Indie tape? Any thoughts?

Thought I'd better chip in and add myself to the list of people who
think it's a good idea....

> And, are we going to include folk pop (like Hedningarna), soft pop (like
> the Cardigans), semi-soft pop (like Blissful), pop (like Popsicle), wimp-
> pop (like Brainpool), harder pop (like Salt), rough pop (like Carpe Wade),
> hardcore (like Fireside) and punk pop (like Tuk Tuk Rally)?

You missed out Bob Hund!  *rage*  I dunno -- I'd split it into
Typically Swedish and Not Typically Swedish.  And we can argue about
that till the cows come home...

Robert, who has updated his home page a bit


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 95 09:58:54 +0100
From: (Marten Sahlen)
Subject: re: tape chain?

> Heh heh.. well, maybe we (them swedes on the list) should start to
> come with suggestions on what we would consider putting on the
> Scandinavian Indie - Swedish Indie tape? Any thoughts? 

I also think this is a good idea with the chain. I second chief's suggestion
with West Side bands plus acts like Mouth, Salt, and Souls. And Bob Hund of
course. That is, pop with some edge to it. So let's skip middle-of-the-road 
indie like Brainpool, Cardigans, Eggstone, Popsicle, etc.

If there's anyone who, like myself, is into Swedish industrial/dark ambient
music, like the stuff from Link|ping's Cold Meat Industry label, perhaps we 
could set up a separate tape chain for that sort of stuff. But I guess I'm 
in a minority here.

> Also, should we only consider rare tracks (like they do on the 4AD list)
> or are we going for whatever?

Good tracks, rare or not!

> Suggestions for possible tapes in the future:
> - Norwegian/Danish/Icelandic/Baltic (one tape for each region)

For our Finnish friends, Sami and Kimmo.... while I know there are decent
pop bands like Good Evening Manchester and Poverty Stinks, for me Finnish
music has always been synonymous with psyched-out, over the top hard rock
like Electric Blue Peggy Sue, Psychoplasma, Faff Bey, Radiopuhelimet, Sielun
Veljet, AD, and Mana Mana, so let's see some stuff like that. Pretty please... 
with sugar on top :)


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 10:19:51 +0100 (CET)
From: Martin Eksten 
Subject: re: tape chain?

On Thu, 5 Oct 1995 wrote:
> And, are we going to include folk pop (like Hedningarna), soft pop (like
> the Cardigans), semi-soft pop (like Blissful), pop (like Popsicle), wimp-
> pop (like Brainpool), harder pop (like Salt), rough pop (like Carpe Wade),
> hardcore (like Fireside) and punk pop (like Tuk Tuk Rally)?

I think we should try to include as many kinds of music as possible.
Perhaps we need to divide a bit, I mean one "Swedish Indie tape" is
definitely not enough to cover the whole scene. We could for instance
make one "Swedish soft pop-tape", one "Swedish punk/hardcore/ska-tape",
and so on.

One problem is if we shall include bands like Brainpool, Wannadies,
Popsicle, Cardigans, etc. For everybody in Sweden they are allready
famous and need no further description, but on the other hand, they
should be pretty interesting for everybody _outside_  of Sweden.
This all comes down to _who we would like to reach_. To me it's
obvious that we should include all the famous bands, but I do understand
if some of you think it's a bit boring. 

Btw, yes it's a great idea! Thanks for bringing it up again.

Martin Eksten (

"Smell the flowers while you can" (David Wojnarowicz)

Ps. Any _serious_ U2 or R.E.M. fans here?


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 11:42:55 +0200 (EET)
From: Sami Rouhento 
Subject: Re: tape chain?

Marten wrote:

> I also think this is a good idea with the chain. I second chief's suggestion
> with West Side bands plus acts like Mouth, Salt, and Souls. And Bob Hund of
> course. That is, pop with some edge to it. So let's skip middle-of-the-road 
> indie like Brainpool, Cardigans, Eggstone, Popsicle, etc.

Yeah, those you mentioned are okay to skip, but only because they're
so well-known already. Music-wise they're just the kind of stuff I'd
like to hear more of (well, okay, Popsicle and Cardigans are, not so
much the other two...). There are a couple of bands that have been
mentioned here, Starmarket and, er, Smash Hit Wonders, that sound such
cool bands (judging by their names:) that I absolutely must get to
hear them! Oh yeah, and *don't* forget to include some twee and fluffy
pop stuff, for me at least, if for no-one else...

> For our Finnish friends, Sami and Kimmo.... while I know there are decent
> pop bands like Good Evening Manchester and Poverty Stinks, for me Finnish
> music has always been synonymous with psyched-out, over the top hard rock

Geezus! You lissen to me, boy, we ain't no goddamn hardrockare har,
we're popkids, fer chrissakes!

> like Electric Blue Peggy Sue, Psychoplasma, Faff Bey, Radiopuhelimet, Sielun
> Veljet, AD, and Mana Mana, so let's see some stuff like that. Pretty
> please.

Well, okay, since you ask so nicely... We'll make sure to include some
noise rock on the tape, too. There's plenty of that stuff around,
that's for sure!



Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 13:08:11 +0200 (EET)
From: (Kimmo Saaskilahti)
Subject: re: tape chain

According to

* One track from each band on West Side _would_ fill a tape, that's for
* sure, though were can we find someone with the complete collection?

Generally one tune for each band is great, but think about The Bear
Quartet, for example: including only one song from either "Cosy Den"
or "Everybody Else" wouldn't do justice to their whole career. Also,
if you've got a coule of West Side compilation CD's, it won't be a
problem filling up the tape (though, at least to my experience, the
bands don't always have their best songs on the compilations...)

* Or should we follow in the footsteps of the 4AD list, so that the
* list members send tapes with the tracks the compiling person doesn't have
* to the compiling person?

Why not, it shouldn't be too much of a trouble. The postal system
works fine these days. :)



Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 13:17:44 +0200 (EET)
From: (Kimmo Saaskilahti)
Subject: re: tape chain?

According to Marten Sahlen:

* If there's anyone who, like myself, is into Swedish industrial/dark ambient
* music, like the stuff from Link|ping's Cold Meat Industry label, perhaps we 
* could set up a separate tape chain for that sort of stuff. But I guess I'm 
* in a minority here.

Well, why not - I am always wllling to hear some new bands, even
though I am not really at all an industrial fan.

* > Also, should we only consider rare tracks (like they do on the 4AD list)
* > or are we going for whatever?
* Good tracks, rare or not!

I agree! Maybe when we run out of ideas, we can set up some kind of an
'ultra-mega-rarities-only' tape or something... but at this stage, I
think the point is to present as many great bands as possible.

* For our Finnish friends, Sami and Kimmo.... while I know there are decent
* pop bands like Good Evening Manchester and Poverty Stinks, for me Finnish
* music has always been synonymous with psyched-out, over the top hard rock
* like Electric Blue Peggy Sue, Psychoplasma, Faff Bey, Radiopuhelimet, Sielun
* Veljet, AD, and Mana Mana, so let's see some stuff like that. Pretty please.. 
* with sugar on top :)

Eh...I'm afraid the tape I will be compiling won't have a lot of that
kind of stuff, but I am sure someone else will be happy to compile a
tape with the greatest of Finnish noise-makers on it. Albert
Sigurdsoon would surely be able to do it, if he is interested (and
still on this list?)



Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 12:20:18 +0100 (MET)
From: Petter Tiilikainen 
Subject: re: tape chain

Anyway, don't forget Circle and Deep Turtle.


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 13:24:46 +0200 (EET)
From: (Kimmo Saaskilahti)
Subject: tape chain (the Swedish tape)

According to Martin Eksten:

* Perhaps we need to divide a bit, I mean one "Swedish Indie tape" is
* definitely not enough to cover the whole scene. We could for instance
* make one "Swedish soft pop-tape", one "Swedish punk/hardcore/ska-tape",
* and so on.

Yes, definitely! Sweden has a lot of wonderful 'softer' pop bands -
Cardigans, Cinnamon, Cloudberry Jam, Celeste to name but a few (why do
they all have names starting with 'C', by the way... :) ) 
* One problem is if we shall include bands like Brainpool, Wannadies,
* Popsicle, Cardigans, etc. For everybody in Sweden they are allready
* famous and need no further description, but on the other hand, they
* should be pretty interesting for everybody _outside_  of Sweden.

I would like to think that we are trying to reach people on a 'global'
scale with this project, so perhaps it is necessary to include seminal
bands like Popsicle, which everybody really should know! But of course
it all depends on the people who are taking part in the chain - if
everybody already has a complete Popsicle or Cardigans collection,
there's no point in having them.



Date: Thu, 5 Oct 95 14:45:27 -0100
From: (John Boqvist)
Subject: the tapes

Sami wrote:

>much the other two...). There are a couple of bands that have been
>mentioned here, Starmarket and, er, Smash Hit Wonders, that sound such
>cool bands (judging by their names:) that I absolutely must get to
>hear them! Oh yeah, and *don't* forget to include some twee and fluffy
>pop stuff, for me at least, if for no-one else...

Good point.
Starmarket is one of the more promising bands in the last years.
Smash Hit Wonders are up and coming, with a couple of well known labels
interrested. If you need material for the tapes, contact me. I've got all
the recordings they have made.

Also, don't forget the powerpop. Stevepops just have to be included, as
well as Naked. No tape complete without them. As for Smash Hit Wonders,
I've got all demos as well as other odd stuff.

BTW, anyone besides me going to Studion (Sthlm) tonight to catch Tommy 16?

All for now,


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 17:53:14 +0100 (MET)
From: Petter Tiilikainen 
Subject: the loosegoats

Anyway, anyone know if this rather excellent carbon copy of archers of loaf
is coming out with a new record soon? the "small lesbian baseball players"
mini-cd was real good.  they're swedish, for you who don't know.

cheers, petter


Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 19:47:20 +0100
Subject: NON-SCAN: Charlatans Discography v1.1

The new version of the Charlatans Discography is ready to go. The
new version is v1.1 and contains a bunch of straightened out
question marks as well as new information regarding live performances
and compilation appearences.

To receive the new version, please email me (
and if you want to be on the distribution mailing list let me know
by saying so in your email as well.



Date: Fri, 6 Oct 95 10:45:33 +0100
From: (Ludvig Borgne)
Subject: the loosegoats

[Petter, on Loosegoats]:
>   Anyway, anyone know if this rather excellent
>   carbon copy of archers of loaf is coming out
>   with a new record soon?

I saw they were looking for a new drummer a while ago (an ad at Doolittle,
a record shop in their hometown Lund). So I guess we can't expect any new
releases until they find one...

Btw. does anyone know if Mazarine Street are planning to release an album or
a new single or something? Saw them at Lollipop, and they were the only
positive surprise at that festival.



Date: Fri, 6 Oct 95 12:00:10 +0100
From: (Marten Sahlen)
Subject: Mazarine Street
> Btw. does anyone know if Mazarine Street are planning to release an album or
> a new single or something? Saw them at Lollipop, and they were the only
> positive surprise at that festival.

Juan, who runs the record store Freak Scene on St Eriksgatan, has released
a single with them. But you knew that already, didn't you?


Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 03:59:18 +0100
Subject: Forwarded: US ADAT project

Forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 05 Oct 95 07:14:48 -700
From: randy smith 
Subject: US CD Project

 My name is Randy Smith. I am working on a CD in Dallas, TX and I am trying
to locate musicians world wide to take part in this project. If you know of
any artists with access to an ADAT digital recorder that would like to take
part please have them contact me at:

Thank You For Your Help,
Randy Smith


Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 10:48:20 +0100
From: (Ludvig Borgne)
Subject: Mazarine Street

>  > Btw. does anyone know if Mazarine Street are planning to release an album
>  > or a new single or something? Saw them at Lollipop, and they were the only
>  > positive surprise at that festival.
>   Juan, who runs the record store Freak Scene on St Eriksgatan, has released
>   a single with them. But you knew that already, didn't you?

Yep. I don't have it though, since it's vinyl only and I don't even own a
turntable any more...



Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 15:46:53 +0100 (MET)
From: Per L}ngstr|m 
Subject: Re: Mazarine Street + more.

On Thu, 12 Oct 1995, Ludvig Borgne wrote:

> >  > Btw. does anyone know if Mazarine Street are planning to release an album
> >  > or a new single or something? Saw them at Lollipop, and they were the only
> >  > positive surprise at that festival.
> >
> >   Juan, who runs the record store Freak Scene on St Eriksgatan, has released
> >   a single with them. But you knew that already, didn't you?
> Yep. I don't have it though, since it's vinyl only and I don't even own a
> turntable any more...

oh man, that is so sad! obviously you are not aware of what you're missing out
on not owning a turntable (hmm, i wonder how many vinyl only releases eric's
trip has put out.. about 10 maybe..) 

anyway. did anyone else see souls on z-tv last night. it was funny. we got to
hear 30 seconds of the new album and watch cecilia and andreas (?) look rather
uncomfortable with the whole situation.. they were headbanging a little
when their new album was on though.. :)


ps.doesn't anyone here have opinions on the hyped up fireside. "hardcore with
an indie pop-twang to it.." yeah. the lack of references among the swedish
journalists really show here.. i'd say they sound like a poppier side of
chicago noise. somewhat like the now sadly defunct tar maybe.
pps.stereolab at studion. wasn't it just such a beautiful show? and kent
got turned away at the door.. :) :) :)


Date: Fri, 13 Oct 95 17:12:21 +0100
From: (Marten Sahlen)
Subject: Re: Mazarine Street + more.

> pps.stereolab at studion. wasn't it just such
> a beautiful show? and kent got turned away at the door.. :) :) :)

So you were there too? Then that makes at least five list subscribers who
were present. Not a bad turnout. I agree that it was very very good. I
liked the color coordination among the girlies: the blond had a white
jumper; the redhead a red shirt; and dark haired Laetitia (sp?) had a black
t-shirt. Now that's class! Speaking of Kent, the blond guitarist was there. 
And at least two Bob Hund members, and Leila K :)


Date: Fri, 13 Oct 95 17:41:01 +0100
From: (Robert Cumming)
Subject: that Stereolab gig (was Re: Mazarine Street + more.)

> > pps.stereolab at studion. wasn't it just such
> >     a beautiful show? and kent got turned 
> >     away at the door.. :) :) :)
> So you were there too? Then that makes at least five list
> subscribers who were present. Not a bad turnout. I agree that it was
> very very good. I liked the color coordination among the girlies:
> the blond had a white jumper; the redhead a red shirt; and dark
> haired Laetitia (sp?) had a black t-shirt. Now that's class!
> Speaking of Kent, the blond guitarist was there.  And at least two
> Bob Hund members, and Leila K :)

Leila K?  Well, here's hoping she got some ideas from watching the

Yup, it was really excellent.  I mean, most of the songs were
unfamiliar to me, and I still loved every minute of it.  Actually
Stereolab just ooze class in every respect.  Though they seem to have
the shyest bass player on the planet -- I don't think the poor soul
faced the audience once during the whole gig.

ObScan-Indie: I spotted the two vocalists from Popsicle there too, and
Martin Gelin from N|jesguiden (OK, he's not exactly a celebrity, but I
feel I've achieved something when I can identify these people :).
Thomas \berg said that the new Bob Hund LP recordings are going
'slowly but surely', so maybe we don't need to start queuing yet...
Plus we met Laika Blixt (is he really called that?? he was kind of
well oiled at the time) from a band called Fin Tillsammans, who sing
in Swedish are supposed to be really good.  Anybody know anything
about them?



Date: Fri, 13 Oct 95 18:12:38 -0700
From: Morten Wendell Pedersen 
Subject: > Re: Mazarine Street + more.

Marten Sahlen writes:
 > > pps.stereolab at studion. wasn't it just such
 > >     a beautiful show? and kent got turned 
 > >     away at the door.. :) :) :)
 >  Speaking of Kent, the blond guitarist was there. 
 > And at least two Bob Hund members, and Leila K :)

And at the Copenhagen gig Signe from the Copenhagen Noise band Murmur
was there. 

They played at Stengade 30 which is a rather small venue which was
quite packed. I bought one of the flashing pink T-shirts and was
wearing at the Frontline Assembly gig a few days later where everyone
was wearing dark, dark clothes :)

At the Sterolab gig Tim had problems with his sound (at least I think
so) sinvce once in a while the guitar sound in the left speaker just
died for a few seconds. Made your ears feel like you put them in to
vacuum... very strange feeling :)



Date: Sat, 14 Oct 1995 17:04:23 +0100
From: Erik S|derstr|m 
Subject: Backfisch

The "new" West Side band Backfisch really went straight into my heart
after listening to their track "Melker Vent" on the West Side compilation
"the 23enigma". I've heard other West Side bands talking about them
way back, but I never got a chance to listen to anything they've done

Now, the track on the compilation CD sounds just as garage-swirling
as I would like it to sound. Beautiful female vocals and a beat that's
so wounderful. Guitars that makes me shiver. It's just impossible
not to "tap your foot and nod with your head" when listening to it!

Not sure what to compare them to though. I'd say the vocals are
pretty close to Juliana Hatfield, but that's about all I can say.

Anyone know more about them? Releases, or planned releases? Who
they are? If no-one knows I have to ask The Bear Quartet when they
play here next week.



Date: Sat, 14 Oct 1995 17:08:42 +0100
From: Erik S|derstr|m 
Subject: tape chain, stage 2?

It's been awful quiet about the plans for the tape chain(s) since
the explosion of messages about a week ago. I know I haven't
replied to the ideas yet though, but how about the rest on the
list? Especially when it comes to plan the Norwegian, Danish,
Icelandic and Baltic tapes?

I trust the Baltic tape(s) will be made though, as I know trsaro
and trkisa (I'm so used to use the email address names... :))
have a bunch of stuff with that genre, after getting a tape
from them a year or so ago, and with that tape in mind, we _have_
to do a Baltic compilation.

Well.. my thoughts right now anyway.



Date: Sat, 14 Oct 1995 17:11:13 +0100
From: Erik S|derstr|m 
Subject: Interviews

I know it's been kinda quiet about the interviews lately as well,
and I have three to type in right in front of me here, which
hopefully I'll have time for during next week. It's Candysuck,
Blithe and Fireside if anyone wants to know. The Bear Quartet
coming up a week after that.

Oh, on the subject of TBQ - anyone bought their new album?
Any thoughts?



Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 11:36:58 +0100
From: (Fredrik Lonegard)
Subject: Any news from Greene?

I haven't heard from the Danish band Greene since they released
the album "Teenage Museum". Are they still around? Any albums,
The reason for not having heard anything from them could be that
I moved from Copenhagen to Stockholm a couple of years ago. But
surely they must have distribution here, or?

/// Fredrik Lönegård,


Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 15:37:02 +0200 (EET)
From: Sami Rouhento 
Subject: The Baltic Tape

> I trust the Baltic tape(s) will be made though, as I know trsaro
> and trkisa (I'm so used to use the email address names... :))
> have a bunch of stuff with that genre, after getting a tape
> from them a year or so ago, and with that tape in mind, we _have_
> to do a Baltic compilation.

Yeah, okay, it will be done, no doubt about that, I'll see to it
personally... The problem is I haven't been getting a lot of new stuff
from around there (Estonia mainly) in quite a while, why the silence I
don't know. Still, I've got a few gems which *have* to be heard - I
better start working on it right now. Thanks for reminding,



Date: Mon, 16 Oct 95 08:17:36 -0700
From: Morten Wendell Pedersen 
Subject: > Any news from Greene?

Fredrik Lonegard writes:
 > I haven't heard from the Danish band Greene since they released
 > the album "Teenage Museum". Are they still around? Any albums,
 > tours?

I'll see if I can remember to ask one of my friends who's brother is 
in Greene. It can take some time since I don't talk to hime everyday,
but if I hear something I let you know



Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 11:48:54 +0100 (MET)
From: Per L}ngstr|m 
Subject: Re: that Stereolab gig (was Re: Mazarine Street + more.)

On Fri, 13 Oct 1995, Robert Cumming wrote:

> Yup, it was really excellent.  I mean, most of the songs were
> unfamiliar to me, and I still loved every minute of it.  Actually
> Stereolab just ooze class in every respect.  Though they seem to have
> the shyest bass player on the planet -- I don't think the poor soul
> faced the audience once during the whole gig.

oh. oh. oh. oh.

the shy bassplayer's celebrity factor outdoes the combined 
popsicle-vocalists' by around a billion i'd say. he is no 
other than david paho the guitarrist of america's very own 
slint. and slint are the most emotional, intense, creepy 
sounding band you will hear. period.

the bandmembers now play in bands such as palace bros, king 
kong, tortoise and.. stereolab. 

i fucking dare you to check them out. 


ps.	apologies for the lack of scan-indie content. 


Date: Tue, 17 Oct 95 08:58:54 +0100
From: (Ludvig Borgne)
Subject: Turntables and Bear Quartets...

>> Yep. I don't have it though, since it's vinyl only and I don't even own a
>> turntable any more...
> oh man, that is so sad! obviously you are not 
> aware of what you're missing out on not owning 
> a turntable (hmm, i wonder how many vinyl only 
> releases eric's trip has put out.. about 10 
> maybe..) 

Hmm, yeah, I know...
Actually, since my girlfriend, with whom I've been living for almost 4 years
now, has one, my not having one isn't that much of a problem... Can't remember
when I last listened to it though. Must have been when I got that Boo Radleys
"Sunfly" 7" from Kimmo a few years ago. (Thanks again, Kimmo!)

Anyway, let's not turn this into a CD vs vinyl discussion, please...

Anyone bought Yvonne's album yet? It got a pretty good review in DN.
(They were at the (brilliant) Stereolab gig too, btw... :)

> Oh, on the subject of TBQ - anyone bought their new album?
> Any thoughts?

No, but I bought the Tibet EP yesterday, and it must be the worst f**king
record I've bought since the last Ride album. A mix of crap disco and crap
country... (Hey, maybe they can get as big as Rednex... :)


End of SI Digest #2.16

*Scan-Indie Home Page

Last updated Nov 01, 1995 by Erik Söderström