You know, most people would have given up by now...
I have modified xmove to fix a problem with dualhead. I have also added an option to find a window through the XID. I can now have a shortcut in my window manager (fvwm2) to move windows between screens: xmove-patch-2003-03-27.diff
I have written a small program to control the settings of amonitor through USB. The program is functioning correctly on my Nokia 446Xpro. All other monitors are as yet untested. setusbmonitor.c
A long time ago I began to write a small text exploring how a MUD based upon UNIX might look, I'm still not happy with it, but you might as well read unixmud.txt anyway since I probably never will be entirely happy with it...
Have you ever been afraid of leaking a valuable password to IRC by mistake? The chance of that happening is lessened by using the following script for irssi:
And, if you for some reason want to contact me your best chance is to either send an email to or you could see if I'm logged on to LysKOM.
And now dear visitor there is really nothing more to see here.