This is my main game page. It grew too big, so I should reorganize it. To begin with, the news section is now a separate page:
Most recent news: Christmas'02 released (OSX and Classic versions). Bikaka released in OSX version - now new version with music. MacÄggaschack released for OSX. Ingemar's Skiing Game released for OSX.
Full list of games
I have written quite a few games for the Mac, a few of them also available for Wintels. Here are the currently available ones, in alphabetical order:
A game similar to Pac-Man, but with a pseudo-3D perspective. The full version with level editor is now freeware.
The rise and fall of the swedish politician Bert, similar to the old arcade game Q-Bert.
Hexagonal Tetris, the best such I know. It is hard, but it is supposed to be hard. OSX native.
(Previously known as Christmas'99, Christmas'98, Christmas'97, Christmas'96, Christmas'95, Christmas'94 and Christmas'93.)
Annual Christmas puzzle. In 1993, it was the very first color jigsaw for the Mac. Today, it is one out of many, but still one of the best! You can customize the game a lot, changing the number of pieces, shapes, image, background pattern, music and more! OSX native.
Classic Daleks
Daleks was one of the first free Mac games ever back in 1984. This is similar, but modernized.
Action-economy game. See news.
Fia med knuff
The game of Ludo. See news.
A non-violent action game. You are a butterfly, and the task is to collect the flying hearts while avoiding the sticky flypapers. I made this as a Valentine's Day gift for my wife. It is also a demo for Sprite Animation Toolkit, and therefore frequently copied. If you have seen other games that are similar, they are probably based on this game &endash; not just the idea, but even the source-code!
The game of Mines, but this time on a hexagonal grid. Even the window is hexagonal!
Ingemar's Skiing Game
The game of slalom, dedicated to Ingemar Stenmark, the great swedish world champion of the 70's and 80's. The game is designed for multi-player use, where you run games and cups against each other on one Mac. The full version with track editor is now freeware. OSX native.
The game of Sokoban for the Mac, with hundreds of levels, and smoother animation than most Sokoban implementations.
"Easter" tic-tac-toe, in swedish. OSX native. See news 1 and 2.
Retro Engine
Four games in one - four really simple, silly little games, refits or re-implementations of oldies from the 80's: Bash Big Blue, MacHeads, Pongerang and Blipp.
Slime Invaders
Defend your city from the attack of the evil slime people. A really silly Space Invaders knock-off, with bouncing balls, slimy cods in toasters and the Death that appears if you are too slow.
Smack a Skunk
A kind of Whack-a-mole, but where you can install your own icons in order to "smack" anything or anyone you think deserves it. 256 colors and 640x480 pixels required!
Solitaire House
30-game solitaire game pack. See the Solitaire House page.
Threatening Losses
This is a PC game that I ported to the Mac. The original game was made by Fredrik Saarkoppel and Håkan Sundell. I ported it as a first step for cooperating with them for making multi-platform games. After this one, we have made eFinans (see above), and we are working on the next, much bigger title. 256 colors and 640x480 pixels required! Download here.
Where do I find them? Most of these games can be downloaded from my game archive, or by the links above. The servers are down now and then, but should work most of the time.
Which ones are best? Well, you tell me. Each and every game has its fans, and I don't know anybody who likes all of them. It depends on your taste.
What games will work on an old MacPlus? Each and every one that doesn't explicitly state otherwise.
What is coming? Well, I have a bunch of games in the works. I was working on a non-violent first person 3D game, but sadly I have to scrap it. It has become too old-fashioned. I also have a few small games, more or less completed, which will be released now and then when I feel that I don't have more to add. And then... well, you'll see.
Any OSX native games? Only Bikaka so far. Christmas'02 is ported, but not finished. For most games, SAT must be ported first.
What about games for other platforms than Mac? Sure, two of them are available for Wintel machines, namely eFinans and Threatening Losses. Both are MS-DOS based games, perfectly usable under Windows 95.
Long ago, I have also written games for ABC80, Speed9, TI57, Datasaab D16, Vic20 and others, but these games are no longer available. Most of them are only on data tapes, if preserved at all, and hard to move to modern systems - and hardly worth the trouble. The better ones included Defender, Scramble, Corridors (3D adventure game) and Bugman (Pac-Man) for Speed9, Attack (Invaders) and Lunar Lander for the ABC80, and Lunar Lander for the TI57.
Copyright ©1997 Ingemar Ragnemalm.
Updated: November-2003