Update 2007-08-10: I got an email from Rick Lindeman, who has made a CD image for the CD32 with GF2. Thanks Rick -- link here.
Update 2007-04-17: Noticed somebody has written a little GF2 Wikipedia article. Cool!
Update 2002-08-09: David Hudson, Ben Hudson and Dave Mummery just informed me that they have now released v1.0 of their game Gravity Fight! Download it here and contact them on anastasei@hotmail.com.
Update 2001-11-10: Seems it is the year of newly-produced Gravity games! Here's a Java version, allowing several people to play via network! The author is Jeremy Suttie, and you will need a JVM to run it.
Update 2001-02-27: I should have put this link here months ago, but here it comes: Richard Franks PC port of Gravity Force 2, written in BlitzBasic and looks really nice: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gp2
If you like GF2/GP on the Amiga, you should absolutely check this out. We are not working on it ourselves, but Richard has our blessing to do whatever he wants with the old graphics and levels. Naturally, no code has been recycled so Richard has full credit for the new code. Drop him a line if you like it or if you want to request new, cool features.
You will also likely be interested in www.safalra.com/gf2/. This web page by Stephen Morley contains cheats, a level overview, a quiz and also maintains the current world record race times.
We're sorry - despite our previous plans, we will not release a PC version (previously referred to as "gf2k"). We simply didn't have enough time and motivation to finish it. This is an (extremely unsupported) early version of what we were working on. Please check out the readme before you say it doesn't work!
Update 2000-04-23: If you like GF2/GP, you have to visit www.gf2.co.uk. This web page by Stephen Morley contains cheats, a level overview, a quiz and also maintains the current world record race times.
Update <long ago>: Made GP publicly available, realized that (Win)UAE is a really good Amiga emulator.
Welcome to the home of Gravity-Force 2! GF2 is, as some of you know, a
game for the Amiga based on a classic idea. You control a small spacecraft
by rotating it, and turning its engine on and off.
Several similiar games exist, for example "XPilot",
"Thrust", "SubSpace" & "Roketz".
GF2 was originally coded for
the Amiga 500 by
Jens Andersson & Jan Kronquist
, but it works fine on all Amigas (Update 2005-05-03: I have received a report that this is no longer true -- on AmigaOne, AmigaOS4.0, GF2 will not work!
The "classic" versions: A500, A1200, A2000 and A4000 should all be OK though).
Two versions were released in 1994, one as FreeWare and one for
registered users.
Later on, a couple of improvements were made and the final version of
Gravity-Force 2 (called "Gravity POWER") was on the coverdisk of
Amiga POWER #50. GP was the last part of the GF2 project and
we are no longer improving it.
GF2/GP doesn't have the nice graphics or sound that other games produced today have, but (surprise!) we still consider it the best gravity/thrust game available today. Still, I wouldn't call GF2 perfect, so if somebody is interested in making a better game (on any system: Unix, PC, Amiga, whatever), mail me and I'll give you some ideas!
The final version of Gravity-Force 2, "Gravity POWER" was made for the
magazine Amiga POWER. It has all the features of v1.10 (the registered version with
serial link-up option) and some extra stuff & levels. As Amiga POWER doesn't seem
to be around any more (sad but true), Gravity POWER can now be downloaded here.
Oh, I've got a level (yes, the level name misspelling is intentional) by Rick Bolton too.
It is not possible to run GF2/GP perfectly on a PC, but there
IS an Amiga emulator that works remarkably well on a fast computer.
I've tested
UAE by Bernd Schmidt
(great work, that) (alt. link) and almost
everything worked. If you want to check it out, here's what you need:
We would like to thank all the people from all over the world who has contacted us. It has been a great experience, and well worth all the time and effort we put into the GF2 project. Thanks for your support, your ideas and your encouraging words! Special thanks to everybody at Amiga POWER for ranking Gravity-Force 2 the second (what? :) best Amiga-game 1995.