[latest results]

lsh: Xenofarm: Build 402

This page collects all the results collected for build 402.

The information on this page was collected 2004-11-09 12:05:59.
Build: 402
Build time: 2004-11-09 08:22:55



0 0 6

(build details)
oopunzip oopunpack oopcfg oopmake oopcheck oopinstall unzip unpack cfg make ckprg argpcfg argpmake ckargp nettlecfg nettlemake cknettle Total Hostname
(all builds for system)
AIX 000000042E00 4.2 hal.lysator.liu.se
AIX ia64 5.1 CC=cc lukushion.roxen.com
Linux i686 2.6.5-gentoo-r1 bloodberry.roxen.com
Linux ia64 2.4.3-12smp gosroth.roxen.com
Linux ia64 2.4.3-12smp CC=ecc gosroth.roxen.com
SunOS sun4u 5.9 us12.roxen.com