[latest results]

lsh: Xenofarm: Build 741

This page collects all the results collected for build 741.

The information on this page was collected 2011-02-10 22:10:16.
Build: 741
Build time: 2011-02-10 20:54:33



0 4 5

(build details)
oopunzip oopunpack oopcfg oopmake oopcheck oopinstall gmpunzip gmpunpack gmpcfg gmpmake gmpcheck gmpinstall unzip unpack cfg make ckprg install argpcfg argpmake ckargp nettlecfg nettlemake cknettle Total Hostname
(all builds for system)
Darwin Power Macintosh 9.8.0 oldmac
FreeBSD amd64 8.0-RELEASE overwatch.ofdoom.com
FreeBSD amd64 8.1-RELEASE-p1 shell.gmplib.org
Linux i686 2.6.35-gentoo-r4 bloodberry.roxen.com
Linux x86_64 2.6.15-1.1833_FC4 myst.roxen.com
SunOS i86pc 5.10 motoko.roxen.com
SunOS i86pc 5.10 CC=cc motoko.roxen.com
SunOS sun4u 5.10 mothra.roxen.com
SunOS sun4u 5.8 megalon.roxen.com