Nizze's Paradise

About me Last modified January 2000
This is the place if you want to know more about me.
Daily news Last modified November 2008
My Internet newspaper.
Favorite links Last modified April 1998
Here I keep a list of my favorite places on the web.
Java Last modified 16:th November
My collection of Java-applets
Photoalbum Last modified May 1998
My photoalbum, searchable with descriptions.
Background alley Last modified November 1999
My collection of 145 seamless (tilable) backgrounds.
Guestbook Last modified June 2002
My guestbook. Please write in it!

What's new in Nizze's Paradise
New backgrounds in Nizze's background alley! November 17th
I have added two new collections to my background collection (it now contains 145 backgrounds) : Collection 5 and backgrounds from the universe (original images taken from Astronomy Picture of the Day.
Nizze's background alley March 1999
Added a collection of backgrounds (searchable by description). All seamless. Click on the image to see how it what it would look like if it was a background
Daily news December 1998
I added a daily news-page to my homepage. It contains information from many websites that I frequently visit. It is updated 5 times a day
Sanitarium FAQ May 1998
I have added a FAQ to the game Sanitarium to my homepage.
Update April 1998
I have added a link to 93-94 Forsmark students and updated my schedule in the About me section
PhotoAlbum with new and rescanned images April 1998
I have added new and rescanned pictures to the PhotoAlbum and added a search-function to it
New schedule January 1998
I have updated About me to include my new schedule
What's new January 1998
I added this homemade script to show recent changes to the homepage
Guestbook December 1997
I added a guestbook to my homepage. Now every visitor can leave a note in it
Homepage statistics December 1997
I added a statistics page to show how much Nizze's Paradise was accessed
My new homepage was created! November 1997
After much work on my old homepage I decided to start over and put my new homepage at Lysator

More than nine hundred served. since November 2019.