Welcome to the Snake Farm
The Snake Farm is a project to create and maintain a build farm for Python
and its core modules, mainly on Unix and is hosted by Lysator. This project
is sponsored by the Python Business Forum.
Read the initial announcement.
The SnakeFarm has now switched over to using XenoFarm.
You can be a farmer too
You can participate in compiling Python on your particular hardware. This is how:
- Download the xenofarm source and unpack it
wget -O xenofarm_cvs.tar.gz 'http://cvs.lysator.liu.se/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/.tar.gz?tarball=1&cvsroot=xenofarm'
gzip -cd xenofarm_cvs.tar.gz | tar xf -
Go into xenofarm/client/config. Copy xenofarm/projects/python/python.cfg
into the config directory. Of course, you are encouraged to participate
to the other projects as well; there can be multiple .cfg files in the
config dir. Each will be handled in turn.
cd xenofarm/xenofarm/client/config
cp ../../projects/python/python.cfg .
- Back up one directory and start the building:
cd ..
- First time you start the client, you will be asked for a mail
address which is put in the result uploads so those interested can
contact you with further questions.
- Lastly, you will want to set up some recurring execution of client.sh.
You can run the client fairly often; it will figure out wether there is
a new snapshot to build.
Getting results
You can get information about build results in several different ways:
Change History
[2002-09-10] - Xenofarm stuff and short howto
[2002-05-28] - added buildlogs link
[2002-05-21] - page created