Ian McDonald: Criticism
- 2001
- Future Remix:
Interview by Nicholas
Gevers. Interzone #172, October 2001. This interview is
also available from Infinity
- 1993
- Interview by Tommy Ferguson. Vector, Feb 1993.
- 1992
- Interview
by Carina Björklind and Calle Dybedahl at ConFuse 92. Månblad Alfa 16,
December 1992.
- 1991
- Desolation Road:
Interview by Pete Crowther in Fear! 1-91.
- 1999
- La Peau de l'Autre (Alien's Skin) by Christo Datso
French). Galaxies, September 1999.
This issue of Galaxies also includes a bibliography of Ian
McDonald as published in French. Unfortunately, the bibliography also
erroneously includes a story called "My Father's Son" which is by Meg
McDonald, not Ian McDonald.
- 1997
- SF and the Troubles by John Newsinger. Vector 194,
July/August 1997.
- 1997
- Jan Mekdonald: Magijski realizam iz vilinske zemlje (Ian McDonald:
Magic Realism from the Land of Fairies) by Goran Skrobonja (in Serbian). Plavi Motel.
- 1996
- Forum: Aliens and Other Animals: Walls, Mirrors, Pussy-Cats and
Assorted Vegetables. Focus, Sep 1996
- 1994
- Crib notes for 'Chaga'. A Mexicon Decade, Harris, Mexicon 6, 1994
- 1993
- Forum: The Rose Backwards. Focus, Dec 1993
- 1990
- Analysis: Ian McDonald's Desolation Road by Julian
R. Bills. Overspace #5, February 1990. Overspace is
edited by Sean R. Friend & Isabel Freeman. £0.75, 37 pages, A5.
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Ian McDonald information page.
page is maintained by Hans Persson. Mail me
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