NOTE: This is not the current site!
This is an archived site, kept for reference and, er, historical
interest. The current site is here.

Recent changes
This web page
- 1997-10-11
- ahi.device version 4.164 is available for download.
- 1997-10-16
- ahi.device version 4.165 is available for download.
- 1997-11-08
- New AHI archives (v4.16) are available.
- 1997-11-22
- New filesave driver (2.9) and a beta paula driver (4.15) available.
- 1998-01-18
- New paula driver (4.17) available for download.
- 1998-04-02
- I'm terrible sorry, I forgot to release the latest
driver (4.19)! It's from 1998-02-19... Enjoy, it fixes the full-duplex recording
problem some might have encountered.
- 1998-04-02
- Oh, by the way.. You didn't miss yesterdays AHI Enterprise Edition
announcement, did you?
has it. [Actually, DejaNews is no more, but Google does have it.]
- 1998-04-04
- Thanks, Amiga-Sweden, for the
AAA Award 1997.
Pretty cool!
- 1998-04-16
- Alright, enough. The AHI Enterprise Edition announcement was, of
course, an April Fools joke. You can stop asking now.
- 1998-05-02
- New E modules available for download.
- 1998-05-02
- Added the
the FAQ
section. It includes information about the PowerPC version, AHI version 5 and more.
- 1998-05-05
- Added Speak Freely to the
the FAQ.
- 1998-06-28
- A new Paula driver version is available.
- 1998-06-29
- ...this time with a correct version number. Sorry about that.
- 1998-12-11
- Added a new User's archive, containing the latest driver and documentation.
No new version of the actual device has been release, they'll
have to wait until the PPC version is finished.
- 1999-05-12
- ahi.device version 4.509, a "trailer" of the PPC version,
is available for download. Use with care!
- 2000-08-13
- Updated the link for Melody.
- 2002-04-12
- Removed broken links, obsolete paragraphs and updated the list of
supported sound cards. Added a link to the beta directory as well.
- 2003-07-09
- Updated the list of supported sound cards.
For detailed revision history, see the
History file found in the
AHI User's and Developer's archives.
Bug fixes.
The Paula driver can now be told to swap left and right channel.
Toccata driver updated, should work fine on Draco Motion again.
Added Melody to the distribution.
Bug fixes in the device code.
Updated documentation.
New translation (hrvatski).
Added driver for Maestro Pro to the distribution.
Added driver for Concierto to the distribution.

This page has been accessed 34662 times since November 2019.
Last update: Stardate 39006.5 (October 2006).