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 Mrs. Catarina Andersson


Welcome! my little corner in cyberspace!

You are visitor number one thousand seven hundred and seventyonesince November 2019!


What is there to know about me? Well, we can start off with my data sheet:
    Sex:         Female
    Born:        1/5 1967
    Height:      173 cm
    Eyes:        Green
    Hair:        Brown                                
    Shoesize:    39
    Weight:      62 kg 
    Lives:       With my husband and 
                 three little sons outside Eskilstuna, Sweden
Wow...that was exciting wasn't it? Now over to other aspects of my life:

My job:

I am trained electric engineer. I have worked as an industrial elecrician for nine years. I'm currently at home with our third child, born the 22nd of september 98!



My husband is called Zap in the computerworld and Håkan in real life.
We have three sons named Victor, Oscar and Oliver. 5, 3 and 1 1/2 years.