The ratings given to sites are based on my personal opinion of the
site's usefulness, design, originality and on my mood. That means an
ugly site that provides useful information will be rated higher than a
beautiful site with no content.
The highest rating i plan on giving is four.
* Rating symbol :: \\

:: ::
A very worthwhile site consisting of mostly original
information. The site is either well-maintained or contains enough
valuable information to warrant a high rating anyway.

:: ::
A worthwhile or useful site. The site is either well-maintained
or contains enough valuable information to warrant a high rating
:: ::
A site worth visiting. It may contain a lot of information from
other sites, or may not be very well-designed.
:: ::
A WWW site. It may not be very relevant and may not contain much
useful information or it may be so badly designed that what
information is actually there gets lost.
- No rating :: ::
An unrated site. That doesn't mean it's bad, just that I
haven't had time to look carefully at it yet.
* ::
Steve Craig's general pinball information collection. The Dollar
Pinball Game, Pinball 101 and text descriptions of a few games.
List of machines in Sun Valley and Ketchum, Idaho.
Some links, some lists, a lot of blinking and moving GIFs. Not much
here really.
This site tells people about our pinball showroom,
mini pinball museum, and repair shop, which is packed with pinballs
from the 1930s to the 1990s. There are only two retail pinball shops
in all of Northern California, and ours is one (For Amusement Only in
Berkeley, 130 miles from here, is the other.) Located in Willits in
Northern California.
Pictures and personal commentary regarding pinball through the years.
A collection of interactive pinball-related games and puzzles. Most of
the items require a Java-capable browser.
PinHeads Online is a group of pinball enthusiasts (players and
collectors) who also happen to be Internet users. It is an informal
group of people with a common interest: All Things Pinball-Oriented!
A list of places to play pinball in Birmingham, AL
Local operator on Vancouver Island,British Columbia servicing the
Victoria area. Just reaching out on the web to offer used games and
Used pinball machines and parts for sale from this company based
in Portsmouth, UK.
Supplier of "like new" pinball machines to the UK and Europe. Quite a
nice site with a clear table of contents that makes it pretty easy to
find what you want. Photos of some machines (scanned from the flyers.)
Some technical inforation.
Another personal page with personal favorites and personal links.
Nothing really remarkable. Some Photos.
Purveyor of pinball in Melbourne, Australia. Lists of machines in
stock, photos of some, flyers. They seem to have a lot of stuff.
Pinball stuff for sale. Games, plaques, flyers, and books. custom
pinball items not available elsewhere.
Dan's Pinball Place has a review of Star Trek: The Next Generation,
and some links to other pinball sites.
Services virtually all brands of pinball, including Game Plan, Allied
Leisure and Atari. Sells machines, parts and backglasses. Has some
technical tips available at their site.
Information about the 1997 European Pinball Championships
Jon Norris designed games for Premier before they dropped out of
the pinball business. His home page is a photo gallery, not related
to pinball.
RePlay magazine is one of the major trade magazines for the amusement
machine industry. Their site includes information about the current
issue, information about the magazine and a calendar of events.
Home of the Pinball Literature Index, and also has info and photos
from Flip Out tournaments. Some machines and items wanted and for
Auctions, book store and classifieds.
Pinball machines, vending machines, game room items and
collectibles.Last I looked the inventory was not yet on-line.
Mercury Amusement CO is an operator of coin operated games, jukeboxes
and vending. "Quality Equipment and Service", since 1978. Mercury also
sells pinball and video games for home use around Philadelphia.
"S & B Amusements offers a wide variety of fully reconditioned
pinballs for sale. We offer a locator service for those hard-to-find
machines. We also carry parts and supplies for pinballs of all ages.
Call toll free at 888 275-3933."
"Technical Training and Publications for the Amusement Machine
Industry. Pinball Machines, How they work & Troubleshooting, a
user-friendly manual on repairs of Williams/Bally System 11 and WPC
System machines. Also, technical courses on troubleshooting pinball
machines & video games."
Some links, some scanned flyers, and some other stuff. The
graphics are pretty good.
Probably the finest page about the Doctor Who pinball machine.
It certainly has the most detailed set of rules, with helpful
diagrams to illustrate how the game works.
This site, which is in Swedish (lucky thing I can read Swedish) is
the home of a small operator in Stockholm, Sweden.
Mainly a collection of links to other sites, but also has information
on Pikes Peak Pinball Collectors Club.
This page, which is in German (lucky thing I can read German), has
links to Andreas' home page, to information about the Pinball
Flyers Guide, a German site for buying and selling pinballs, and more.
This page is in some language that I'm not very familiar with;
Ialian by the looks of it. I think these people are distributors for,
among others, Sega.
This page has some personal information and also lists Keith's
machines and machines that are for sale.
This page has some info on Brad . . . sorry, Bill Ung. He has a
couple of pages about the games he owns: High Speed, Earthshaker,
Elvira and the Party Monsters and Whitewater.
Binary posts to the
Classic Pinball Corp. buys, sells, services and rents pinball
machines and other game room items. They have a restoration service
and a locator service for hard-to-find machines. The inventory seems
to include machines from all eras. They also have some really cool
animated backglasses on their home page.
This is a collection of links to various listings of pinball
machine locations around the world. If you're looking for a particular
machine in a particular place, this is a good place to start.
This page contains a list of all articles written by Russ Jensen,
and also has several articles available for reading on-line. This site
is definitely worth a visit for anyone who is interested in the
history of pinball.
Here you can vote for your favorite pinball machine.
Gameroom Antiques appears to sell all sorts of coin-operated
equipment and gameroom paraphenalia. Their site (which is quite nice)
has a large number of items for sale and seems to be well maintained.
There appears to be a listing of current articles in Play Meter
Magazine, but very little else.
Direct Games Sales sells reconditioned pins, videos and other
coin-operated machines. They also offer service of all coin-operated
machines in the Philadelphia, PA area.
"Lots of stuff concerning Ian, such as pudding, pinball and
his infatuation with Crispin Glover."
This site has listings and ratings of machines in central Illinois.
Also a pinball quiz that some people may find entertaining.
A modest page describing several pinball, pachinko and other arcade
games. Well worth a visit.
The Pinball Warehouse buys, sells and trades coin-op equipment.
Most of their inventory is dedicated to pinball machines.
According to Chris, this site contains reviews of pinball
machines, updated regularaly, with color photos. Last I visited there
was a review of the Addams Family.
Information about the Pinball Owners Association, a UK-based club with
members worldwide. The POA publish a regular magazine, Pinball
Player, containing pinball news, machine reviews and repair tips, and
also hold regular conventions.
TNT Games is a small amusement company that specializes in
buying, renting, selling, and repairing pinballs, video games, slot
machines, jukeboxes,etc. for the home market.
Dave Grossman's personal home page. This page contains some
pinball-related links, including a directory of places to play in
London and a tip sheet for Jackbot.
Prestige industries sells pinball machines and supplies, video games
and supplies, dart and billiards supplies and services video and
pinball PCBs.
"We are a family firm that have been siting pinball and jukeboxes for
over 30 years. We have also been known to sell pins to the home
Pinball Pages
This page lists games and items being sold by Arne Olsson. The pages
are primarily targeted at a Swedish audience.
Information about the Triangle Pinball League, a pinball league
operating in the Raleigh/Durham/Capel Hill/Cory/RTP area och North
Carolina. Includes member listings, league events, and much more.
A list of pinball machines on location in Wellington city and the
surrounding region. Does not list the condition of the games.
Also lists when new games are expected to arrive.
Personal information about Eric See and some information about his
pinball machines.
Daina Pettit supports these pages where you can post a
message requesting or selling parts (see also Parts for Sale).
Daina Pettit supports these pages where you can post a
message requesting or selling parts (see also Parts Wanted).
Here you can post a message looking for or selling a pinball machine.
Pinball and Pachinko share a common ancestry. This site has
information on the history of Pachinko and lists of games for sale.
PAPS is a method by which other net'ers can find people who may
have the same game they have and answer questions or have
discussions about a specific game. From this page the PAPS list and a
form for submitting entries to the PAPS list are available.
Distributor of coin-op equipment. Services pinball machines in KS,
MO, MI, IL, GA and HI.
Magazines and reports about the coin-op business. Since it
reflects the business as it is, there's more video than pinball here.
"We specialize in sales, service and home repair of the early
pinball machines to present day as well as Jukeboxes, video and all
coin operated amusements. We have full access to any part or paperwork
to most games. People could also Email me for technical advice on
helping them repair thier machine on their own."
As of
this date Amtex owes a balance of well over $10,000 for
their sponsorship of PAPA 5. As a result of their non-payment the
organizers have taken personal loss and PAPA 6 has been canceled.
Amtex has also paid only $500 of $5,625 the prize money owed for the
computer pinball tournament held at PAPA 5 (Amtex earned $2,000 in
entry fees for the tournament.) For more information,
please read
Darin has put together some really nice web pages with several
photos of his games. Well worth a visit if you don't know what an
Elektra, Time Machine, Simpsons or Back to the Future machine looks
like. He also has some pictures of Playboy machines from Bally and
Data East.
Maintained at the Pin-Wizard archive by Dave Stewart.
Mostly personal information and some links avou MST3K, UPenn
and Linux.
Oscar has some text about pinball experiences and you can write
up your own experiences in his guest book. He's also got a poll
going where you can vote for your favorite machine. Unfortunately I
wasn't able to see the tally.
The new version of Karl's pinball page is a real improvement from
the old one. Currently he has information about the Gothenburg
Pinball League, the Swedish Pinball Championships and local
information from Chalmers.
Capcom's pinball's WWW site. Unfortunately Capcom has closed down
its pinball business, and this site has been decommissioned.
Some personal information and a log of the IRC interview with
Steve Ritchie.
Robert Chesnavitch has some personal information and a pinball
page with listings of machines in the Pittsbugh area, some reviews
and pictures from PAPA 4.
These pages contains information about pinball and World War II,
links to pinball historians, as well as personal information about
Terry Cumming.
Lists of places to play in Austin and links to pinball resources
on the web.
Links to Greg's pinball pages (machines for sale) and personal
infro about Greg.
The first arcade on the Web, located in New Jersey. Has their
pinball lineup listed on the web.
Information about the 1995 European Pinball Championships.
Information about the 1996 European Pinball Championships.
Information about the 1997 European Pinball Championships.
Fabulous Fantasies sells restored pinball machines, arcade
games, video games and much more. A nice site worth a visit if you're
in the market to buy.
The Bay Area Pinball League operates in the Bay Area (where else),
mainly in the Santa Clara and Almaden counties (that's south of San
Francisco for those of you how didn't know.) Their site
includes information on the association and addresses to the
association's officials.
The Pinball Palace, located in New York, deals in pinball machines,
pachinko games, jukeboxes and slot machines. Their site includes
a list of games currently on sale, including pricing.
This site deals exclusively with computer pinball, not real
pinball machines. You'll find downloadable demos, reviews and news, as
well as links to other sites of interest.
Italy's mister pinball! This site is definitely worth a
visit. Fredrico has plenty of resource on-line, far too much to list
Good site with information about the FSPA and for its members. An
extensive list of where to play in the Baltimore/Wasington area and
northern Virginia.
Some information about starting a league in Kenosha. This page is
maintained at the Pin-Wizard Archive.
Currently (October 1996) contains information about the LCPL such as a
League Flyer and the weekly scores.
Coin-op games and memorabilia for sale and for trade. A nice site
with well woth visiting.
A few interesting pinball links, personal information and
various other links.
This site contains a listing of pinball machines in Toronto,
information on the Toronto Pinball League and a photo album of some
pinball notables (and some not-so-notables.)
A queer positive, interactive pinball machine. The first
pinball machine where the player dresses up in drag in order to win.
Wigs, makeup and the highest heels you have ever seen!
Information about and for the Gothenburg Pinball League in both
Swedish and English.
Personal information, MST3K information, pinall links and places
to play in Pinellas, FL.
Pinball machines for sale and pinball machines wanted. You can post or
own sale or wanted ads at this site.
J.J. Hoxsey, aka Major Lee Obvious, has some nice pinball links
on this page, includeing a photograph of his machines and sound
James Industries South delas in amusements, vending machines
and jukeboxes. This site was under construction last time I looked
and contained no information whatsoever.
A nice site with information on Louis' work for Williams and
Bally-Midway. There are also links to resources in Chicago.
this site has some interesting links, techincal information on
repair and servicing, and some music and sound from pinball machines.
At the moment, this page is g-o-n-e.
Very small pinball art exhibit that changes every month. Well, it used
to change every month. It hasn't been updated in a long time now.
Some information about the Madison Pin-Kings.
Sellers of pinball and video games and spare parts. Has an
on-line catalog.
Jeff has a bunch of images if his own machines and a fair
collection of links to useful resources such as an auction guide.
Copies of some information from the archive. Lists of places to
play in detroit and links to other sites. Robert collects flyers and
has some information that might be of interest to other collectors.
This site mostly contains information about pinball in Madison.
Distributor of Gottlieb pinballs. Is this site maintained? I don't
think so.
Mr. Pinball buys, restores, trades, repairs and sells
pinball machines. His specialty is pre-1978 machines. Public resources
on this site include The Pinball Collector Register, free
classified ads, parts wanted and parts for sale, a photo gallery and
Gary Nance's pinball collection. Some very nice pictures of
older machines from his collection. He also has the nicest access
counter I have ever seen.
This is the homepage of the Dutch Pinball Association. It contains
information about local and dutch events which are pinball related.
There also is a place to buy and sell your own pinbal machine(s). The
site is almost totally in Dutch.
Just a text file at the Pin-Wizard Archive.
Distributors of coin-op games. This site has some information
about new games (mostly video games) and locations of Wizard's
Castle. There are also some machines for sale and enough animated GIFs
to give me a headache.
Information about Andy Oakland and some interesting links.
Results and some commentary from PAPA 4, maintained by Dave Stewart at
the Pin-Wizard Archive
Information about and reports from PAPA 5, including some after and
during-the-event reports. Worth a visit.
Daina Petit runs Mr. Pinball and Rubber Ruby Software, both of
which are accessible from his home page.
Mostly MST3K and SF links. Not much pinball.
Personal information and links to pinball resources that Scott enjoys.
Information about Expo '95, including some after-the-event reports.
This was the first Expo with information on the web.
Information about Pinball Expo 95, including plenty of
after-the-event reports. Well worth visiting!
So far the only pinball designer on the web, at least that I know of.
Mr. Popadiuk not only designs great pinball machines, such as World
Cup Soccer and Theatre of Magic, but has some great WWW pages as well.
Well worth a visit!
Maintained at the Pin-Wizard archive by Dave Stewart.
This company sells used pinball machines "restored to like
new condition" according to their web page, which contains very
little information, mainly contact information and some prices.
This is the Pinball section of Rick's Gameroom Collectibles. Nothing
much here though.
One of the most interesting front pages I've seen in a long time.
Quite original. Amy has some personal information and links out into
the world.
Sega manufactures pinball machines and video games but I still
haven't found anything on their site about pinball.
This page is an ode to Xenon and remembrance of a time gone by.
Personal information, links to some interesting and amusing things.
Listings of places to play in the UK.
Distributor of coin-op equipment, including pinball, in
Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and eastern West Virginia. Some pretty
useful links to technical information about pinballs.
Great site with information about the SCPA and information for its
Assistant Professor in image and video processing at Notre Dame.
Information about Dave Stewart, links to pinball resources and lots
of other places.
Information about pinball in Stockhol, including a list of places to
play (in English). This site is reasonably well-designed and contains
some useful information if you should happen to be in Stockholm.
Almost everything is in Swedish. Also, check out the cool cow
Pictures of Larry's machines and some nice shots from the Pinball
Expo 1995.
Brad Stuart is the president of FSPA. His site contains a few pinball
links and some personal information.
Information about the 1995 Swedish Pinball Championships.
This page contains information about the 1996 Swedish Pinball
The Auckland Pinball Directory is a directory of places to go
in Auckland, NZ. This site does not appear to be updated very
Information and links about upcoming and past pinball events, leagues
and more.
Rule sheets, the database, information, tips
and much more. Unfortunately the Archive has been out of operation
for nearly a year now. I hope it will come back, which is why I'm
keeping this link.
The pinball resource is dedicated to keeping pinball affordable
supplying all your restoration and service needs including rubber
rings, bulbs and playfield wax. Parts inventorys go back as far as the
30's. They are dealers in almost everything pinball related. You can
reach Steve Young at The Pinball Resource / 8 Commerce Street /
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603. Phone (914) 473 7114 (voice), (914) 473 7116
Pinball Pages
The Pinboys Homepage is a very nice site. You'll find a lot
of information avout the annual Pinathon and about the Pinboys, Walt
Don and Jerry, pinball collections.
A monthly magazine devoted to pinball. The Pingame journal does not
have a place on the web (yet?), but you can reach the editor, Jim
Schelberg by mail to 31937 Olde Franklin Dr., Farmington Hills
Michigan 48334-1731 USA or phone or fax at (810) 626-5203.
This site mainly contains listing of companies that deal in
pinball, jukeboxes and game-room related items. There are also
listings of players and ads of machines and parts wanted and for sale.
I personally find the Pinmall obnoxiously designed and redundant since
most of the content already exists on other sites, such as the Kudzu
Central and the Pin-Wizard Archive.
The Sands of Time Mechanical Museum is one of my favorite web
sites. Michael Sands has information on restoration of
electro-mechanical pinball machines and a few reviews of older
A magazine covering the coin-op entertainment industry from
a service/technical point of view.
Tilt is a chain of ill-reputed arcades all across the USA ownsed
by Nickles and Dimes. Their WWW presentation isn't much fun.
Electric components and circuit board repairs for electronic
pinballs from Bally, Stern, Williams and Data East. Schematics, ROM
A listing of machines in the Massachusetts-Southern New Hampshire
area, including condition and pricing information.
Only available in swedish, this site contains some information on
the Swedish Pinball Association. Not a lot of information here, but
perhaps that will change in the future.
This page contains listings of places to play in Uppsala. The
information is in Swedish, but if you're visiting Uppsala, take a look
My favorite pinball manufacturer. Be sure to check out the Uncle
Willy archives in the pinball pages! If you own a Williams machine,
you might be able to download software upgrades from this site.
Rec Room Amusements buys, sells, trades and repairs pinball
machines, video games and jukeboxes. They say their specialty is
service to Bally, Williams and Gottlieb electronic pinball machines.
Rec Room Amusements is located 50 minutes east of Toronto.
Information about WWPF 1997.
Paul has some personal information at this site. He also has
pictures of his own pinball machines and art collection. He also sells
framed art from arcade games and pinball machines.
Personal information about Allen Writght. Hardly any pinball though...
Parachutist, programmer and pinball player. This page contains
some personal information but not much else.
/pinball/ Back to the Pinball Pasture