Firebird Software Ltd
(First Floor, 64-67 New Oxford Street, London, WC1A
1PS, England). They were part of British Telecom.
They distribute ATOD and Bantam Imagic.
For more information, see Rainbird Software Ltd.
The Helm
Type: Text only
Written 1984 by Simon Jay in The Quill.
Runs on:
Comments: Find The Helm of Immortality. All comments are of the "Strike me
with another gem of brilliance, oh most worthy one"-kind!
Seabase Delta
Type: Drawn graphics
Written 1985 by Peter Torrance and Colin Liddle.
Runs on:
Notes: Sequel to Subsunk.
Type: Bitmap graphics
Written 1985 by Peter Torrance and Colin Liddle in The Quill.
Runs on:
Notes: Prequel to Seabase Delta.
Comments: You are trapped in a sunk submarine and have to find a way to
Type: Graphics
Written 1986 by Alan Davies.
Runs on:
Notes: A game in which you control three characters. It used landscaping
backgrounds to give a large graphical game area.
Here is a review of Runestone
Wild West
Runs on:
Type: Drawn graphics
Written 1987 by Peter Torrance.
Runs on:
Type: Drawn graphics
Written 1986 by Craccer Software Team (Dan B. Nielsen, Peter Lumbye).
Runs on:
The Wild Bunch
Type: CHOISE/BG/DG/Bitmap graphics/Drawn graphics
Written 1984 by Kevin Smith.
Runs on:
Here is a review of The Wild Bunch