Simple desert for failed Pavlova attempts

My mother used to make the banana variety of this when she cooked her meringues a little too long or too hot. I've no idea of its origins.


(serves 4)


  1. Whip the cream.
  2. Chop fruit coarsely, but don't crush.
  3. Break meringue into large crumbs.
  4. Mix everything shortly before serving and pile into glasses.


I can never make up my mind whether I prefer the strawberry or the banana version. Peach should be pretty good too, though I've never tried it.

This is a neat way of saving a attempt when the meringue part fails: it produces a delicious desert and no-one need ever know...


Difficulty: very simple.
Time: 10 minutes presuming you have the meringue available.
Precision: No need to measure.


Marcus G Hand, 
AT&T Information Systems, Middletown, NJ. 
Recipe last modified: 30 Jun 86

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Path: decwrl!reid
From: mgh@mtuni (Marcus G. Hand)
Subject: RECIPE: Ambrosia
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Date: 31 Oct 86 11:39:58 GMT
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