Wilted cabbage salad with bacon

This is a wonderful thing to do with cabbage. With no garlic, and using cider vinegar, it becomes German cabbage salad. Adding sour cream to that makes Danish cabbage salad.


(serves 8)


  1. Cut the bacon into tiny bits, fry it in a big deep frying pan, and fish out all the bits after they are crisp.
  2. Cut up the onion and garlic and fry them in the bacon fat. When they are brown, pour in the vinegar.
  3. Bring it just up to a simmer, add all the cabbage and bacon, toss it as you would a salad, and serve it. The cabbage doesn't cook, but it wilts a little under the hot vinegar.


Cut the vinegar with a little water if you don't like very sour things,


Difficulty: easy.
Time: 10 minutes.
Precision: no need to measure.


Mary-Claire van Leunen 
DEC Systems Research Center, Palo Alto, CA  
Recipe last modified: 8 May 86

Original header

Path: decwrl!recipes
From: mcvl@decsrc (Mary-Claire van Leunen)
Subject: RECIPE: French cabbage salad
Message-ID: <3004@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 16 May 86 03:35:57 GMT
Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
Organization: DEC Systems Research Center
Lines: 47
Approved: reid@decwrl.UUCP

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