Challah is a traditional Jewish bread
that is part of many festivals, including sabbath dinners and weddings.
For making a wedding loaf, this recipe can be doubled and used to make
one braided loaf.
It will fill up the entire oven, and you will have to find a
cookie sheet big enough to put the loaf on.
(2 loaves)
- 55 cl water
- 7 g active dry yeast
(one package)
- 15 ml sugar
- 15 ml salt
- 6 cl oil
- 2 eggs,
- 1 kg flour
- 1 egg yolk
- 15 ml water
Dissolve the yeast and sugar in lukewarm water
(Lukewarm water feels neither hot nor cold when a drop is placed
on your wrist.)
Let sit for 10 minutes to proof the yeast.
If there are no bubbles in the water after this time, the yeast
is inactive and you should start over with new yeast.
Add the salt (optional), oil, eggs, and most of the flour to the
55 cl
of water. Mix.
Place dough on floured board and knead for 5-10 minutes.
Place dough in a clean bowl, brush some oil on the top
(optional), and cover the bowl with a towel.
Let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 1/2 hours.
Punch the dough down and let rise until doubled again (maybe another hour).
Punch dough down and place onto floured board.
Form into two loaves.
You can make normal loaves, or you can cut the dough
and braid (with three or six pieces per loaf), or you can make
braided or unbraided rolls, or you can roll the dough out until
it's about
1/2 cm
thick and then spread fried onions over it.
Place loaves into oiled pans.
Cover pans and let rise for about 30 minutes.
(Skip this step if you've rolled the dough out and covered with onions.)
Mix the egg yolk with
15 ml
of water. Brush loaves with this mixture.
(Again, skip this if you've rolled the dough out.)
Bake at
for 20 minutes, then lower heat to
and bake for 40 additional minutes.
If you are making rolls, you probably need to bake for a total
of 20-25 minutes.
You can add poppy or sesame seeds to the dough, or you can
sprinkle the seeds on top.
This bread is traditionally made with white flour, but is still
good if made with all or part whole wheat flour.
I think its good taste comes from the oil and eggs in the dough.
easy, as bread goes.
preparation: 3-5 hours (including rising); baking: 1 hour.
measure ingredients carefully.
Aviva Garrett
Santa Cruz, California
Excelan, Inc., San Jose, Calif., USA
Recipe last modified: 6 Oct 86
Original header
Path: decwrl!recipes
From: aviva@excelan (Aviva Garrett)
Subject: RECIPE: Challah I
Message-ID: <8477@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 6 Mar 87 04:15:39 GMT
Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
Organization: Excelan, Inc., San Jose, Calif., USA
Lines: 94
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