Chicken with white sauce
This is what my mother serves as Chicken Milanaise. I once ordered Chicken
at a restaurant, and they served me an entirely different dish, so I'm
not sure as to whether I'm using the name properly. In any case, this
recipe is one of my favourites!
(serves 4-6)
- 1 chicken
- 15 ml salt
- 50 ml unsalted butter
- 50 ml flour
- 2 egg yolks
- 15 ml lemon juice
- 500 g white rice
(to serve on the side)
- salt and pepper
(for the sauce)
Place the chicken in a pot. Cover it with water, add the salt and bring it to
a boil, skimming any scum that may form on the surface. Turn down the heat,
cover the pot, and cook the chicken for about 1 hour or until it is done.
Remove the chicken from the pot.
Skim and discard the chicken fat from the surface of the broth.
500 ml
of broth for the sauce and
use the remaining broth to cook the rice according to standard procedures
for cooking rice.
While the rice is cooking, make the sauce: melt the butter under low heat
in a saucepan
and add in the flour, salt and pepper. Stir until you get a uniform mixture
and then add the reserved broth gradually, stirring constantly. When the
mixture thickens, remove from the heat.
Beat the egg yolks with the lemon juice and add them into the sauce. Stir the
sauce until the egg yolks are completely blended. The sauce is ready.
Cut the chicken and serve with sauce on both the chicken and the rice.
You are supposed to use white pepper in the sauce but, since I
don't mind seeing a few black specs in the sauce, I always use black
If you are going to reheat the sauce, make sure that it doesn't come to a
boil, otherwise the egg will separate.
About 1 1/2 hours.
Measure the sauce ingredients.
Kriton Kyrimis
Princeton University, Computer Science Dept., Princeton, New Jersey, USA princeton!kyrimis
Recipe last modified: 29 Oct 87
Original header
Path: decwrl!recipes
From: kyrimis@Princeton.EDU (Kriton Kyrimis)
Newsgroups: alt.gourmand
Subject: RECIPE: Chicken milanaise
Message-ID: <12194@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 4 Dec 87 06:16:35 GMT
Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
Distribution: alt
Organization: Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
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