If you are cooking white and dark meat together, remove the white meat first or it will dry out.
Watch that sauce does not burn or boil away.
When you look in the skillet to see how everything is going and to get a whiff of the lovely aroma, do not take a big whiff. The vinegar will knock you out!
This recipe won first place at a recent Garlic Cook-off at the Gilroy Garlic Festival.
Serve with rice, Chinese noodles or pasta.
Sharon Badian AT&T Information Systems, Holmdel, New Jersey ihnp4!mtgzy!sebRecipe last modified: 25 Feb 86
From: seb@mtgzy (Sharon Badian) Newsgroups: mod.recipes Subject: RECIPE: Kelly's Asian Chicken Sender: recipes@glacier.ARPA Date: 7 Mar 86 05:22:32 GMT Organization: AT&T Information Systems, Holmdel NJ Approved: reid@glacier.ARPA Copyright (C) 1986 USENET Community Trust Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the USENET copyright notice and the title of the newsgroup and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the USENET Community Trust or the original contributor.