Indonesian baked eggplant in chili sauce
I got this recipe originally from an Indonesian cookbook. It's a nice way to
cook eggplant.
(serves 6)
- 1 large eggplant
- 3 garlic cloves,
sliced or chopped
- 50 g chopped onion
- 400 ml fresh ripe tomatoes
- 5 ml sugar
- 5 ml salt
- 10 ml fresh red hot chili peppers
- 125 ml water
- 30 ml vegetable oil
Cut the eggplant into long quarter-round strips. Bake them at
for 20-25 minutes, or until they are soft but not mushy.
Meanwhile, in a bowl, mix the onion, garlic, tomatoes, salt, sugar, peppers,
and water, and mash with a wooden spoon until it forms a coarse paste.
Fry the tomato paste in the oil until the liquid is reduced (about 10
Pour the sauce over the eggplant, and serve immediately.
30 minutes.
Measure the spices.
Brian Reid
DEC Western Research Laboratory, Palo Alto CA
decwrl!reid -or- reid@decwrl.DEC.COM
Recipe last modified: 8 Mar 86
Original header
Path: decwrl!recipes
From: reid@decwrl (Brian Reid)
Newsgroups: mod.recipes
Subject: RECIPE: Indonesian baked eggplant in chili sauce
Message-ID: <2711@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 2 May 86 03:39:24 GMT
Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
Organization: DEC Western Research Laboratory, Palo Alto CA
Lines: 47
Approved: reid@glacier.ARPA
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