As the name implies, this is a very quick recipe to make. Depending on how soft the butter is to start with, or whether or if you use a food processor (I don't, but it should work) this recipe takes only 5 to 10 minutes to mix.
You can use any unsweetened canned fruit for this recipe. You can also use frozen fruit, by thawing it before adding to the pan. Berries or peaches are standard substitutes. Yesterday I made one with crushed pineapple. I used brown, rather than white sugar atop the fruit. It tasted very much like pineapple upside down cake (though the appearance was a bit different).
Suzanne Barnett-Scott Calcomp/Sanders Display Products, Scottsdale, Arizona suze@terak.UUCPRecipe last modified: 3 Mar 86
Path: decwrl!recipes From: suze@terak (Suzanne Barnett) Newsgroups: Subject: RECIPE: Busy day cobbler Message-ID: <2590@decwrl.DEC.COM> Date: 26 Apr 86 21:37:30 GMT Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM Organization: Calcomp/Sanders Display Products, Scottsdale AZ Lines: 71 Approved: reid@glacier.ARPA Copyright (C) 1986 USENET Community Trust Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the USENET copyright notice and the title of the newsgroup and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the USENET Community Trust or the original contributor.