Watercress soup, hot or cold
This thick, creamy soup is equally good whether served hot or cold.
I have had watercress soup in restaurants,
and my mother sometimes makes it, too,
but this recipe is my own interpretation of the idea.
(Serves 4)
- 1 bunch watercress
- 1/2 onion
(medium sized, coarsely chopped.)
- 1 potato
(medium sized, roughly diced.)
- 1/2 clove garlic
- 15 ml butter
(or your favourite oil or margarine)
- 750 ml water
- 15 ml heavy cream
(Whipping cream is roughly the same thing)
- 30 g black caviar
(lump fish roe is fine.)
- 4 water biscuits
(bite size)
- pinch salt and pepper
(to taste)
Gently fry onion and garlic in a small amount of butter until transparent.
Season lightly with salt and pepper,
and add water and potato and boil until soft.
Pick over watercress and chop 4 or five sprigs and set them aside.
Purae the onion mixture in a blender.
Add most of watercress, blend, re-season to taste and return to heat.
Bring mixture to boil and simmer for 2 or three minutes.
Stir gently to prevent soup from sticking to bottom.
Remove from heat.
This is the decision point.
Either set aside to cool, then chill,
or carry on to serve the soup hot.
Stir in cream and chopped watercress.
Heap a teaspoon of caviar on each of the water biscuits and
float one on each bowl of soup immediately prior to serving.
Use the minimum amount of butter, oil, or margarine
that will turn the onion transparent.
Those who are particularly diet-conscious could dispense with
this step, and with the cream.
Don't overdo the garlic,
1/2 a small clove is ample since it is a background
flavour, not one that you should be aware of.
A caution regarding seasoning.
Potatoes absorb a lot of salt so you may find it undersalted.
The caviar on the other hand,
is very salty.
This, for me,
is a delightful and important contrast.
Guests can always add extra salt if they choose.
Water biscuits are made by Carr's, amongst others, and can be found
in most supermarkets,
possibly in the gourmet food section.
They are variously known as water biscuits, water crackers
and table water crackers.
To my mind the best for eating with cheese are the high-bake
ones, but the regular type are better for this recipe.
If you can't find them, then any round dry bland low-salt cracker will do.
60 g
jar of lumpfish caviar costs a little under $3.00,
but it does keep in the fridge so you can get two batches of four
servings from one jar.
I suppose if budget is a prime consideration one could dispense with the
caviar, too, but that would be like serving a martini without the olives.
easy to moderate.
20 minutes of preparation, 1/2 hour of simmering.
Approximate measurement OK.
Marcus G Hand.
AT&T Information Systems, Holmdel NJ
Recipe last modified: 9 Dec 85
Original header
From: mgh@mtuni (Marcus G Hand)
Newsgroups: mod.recipes
Subject: RECIPE: watercress soup
Date: 27 Dec 85 09:59:33 GMT
Organization: AT&T Information Systems, Holmdel NJ
Approved: reid@glacier.ARPA
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