Greek smoked fish-roe pate
This is a particular family favorite at my parents' house.
The word Taramosalata means "fish egg salad" in Greek.
(serves 6 )
- 1/2 cup smoked cod roe
- 1 cup olive oil
- 1 garlic clove
- 2 Tbsp lemon juice
- 2 Tbsp chopped parsley
- 1 Tbsp finely chopped onion
(or more to taste)
- freshly milled black pepper
Cover cod roes for a few minutes in boiling water to loosen
skins, then peel them.
Crush garlic and rub around a mixing basin (bowl).
Discard garlic.
Dice roe, add
2 Tbsp
oil, and stand for 15 minutes to soften.
Pass roe through sieve into garlic-rubbed basin and beat until smooth.
Add half the lemon juice,
gradually beat in the rest of the oil,
adding the remainder of the lemon juice at the half-way stage.
Stir in the chopped onion, parsley and black pepper to taste.
Chill and serve.
This recipe can be made with any kind of fish roe. Greeks sometimes add
1/2 cup
of cooked potatoes.
The only tricky bit comes in adding the oil:
you should do it a little at a time like preparing mayonnaise,
and be careful not to let the oil separate.
If it does begin to separate, add another dash of lemon juice.
Taramosalata will keep for about a week under refrigeration.
40 minutes off and on.
approximate measurement OK.
Marcus G Hand
AT&T Information Systems, Middletown, New Jersey, USA
Recipe last modified: 30 Jun 86
Original header
Path: decwrl!recipes
From: mgh@mtuni (Marcus G. Hand)
Newsgroups: mod.recipes
Subject: RECIPE: Taramosalata
Message-ID: <6879@decwrl.DEC.COM>
Date: 12 Dec 86 07:51:23 GMT
Sender: recipes@decwrl.DEC.COM
Organization: AT&T Information Systems, Middletown, NJ, USA
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