Easy-to-make candies with chocolate and creamcheese

Here's a good recipe for lazy chocolate freaks. They're not as good as the ones you buy in good candy stores, but they're still yummy.


(makes 2 dozen)


  1. Mix the powdered sugar into the softened cream cheese a little at a time, making sure it is well blended after every addition.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a double boiler and add it to the cream cheese mixture along with the vanilla. Mix well.
  3. Chill for a couple hours. Roll mix into one-inch balls, then roll them in a topping. Chill.


If you're adventurous, try substituting the liqueur of your choice for the vanilla.


Difficulty: easy.
Time: 30 minutes preparation, 2 hours chilling, 20 minutes rolling.
Precision: measure the ingredients.


Chan Benson 
Hewlett-Packard Company, Fort Collins, CO 
{ihnp4 | hplabs}!hpfcla!chan 
Recipe last modified: 15 Dec 85

Original header

From: chan@hpfcla (Chan Benson)
Subject: RECIPE: simple chocolate truffles
Date: 28 Feb 86 05:15:31 GMT
Organization: Hewlett-Packard, Fort Collins, CO
Approved: reid@glacier.ARPA

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