Try running lint first (perhaps with the -a
, -c
, -h
, -p
other options). Many C compilers are really only half-
compilers, electing not to diagnose numerous source code
difficulties which would not actively preclude code generation.
The problem is that traditional versions of lint do not know,
and cannot be told, that malloc
"returns a pointer to space
suitably aligned for storage of any type of object." It is
possible to provide a pseudoimplementation of malloc
, using a
inside of #ifdef lint
, which effectively shuts this
warning off, but a simpleminded #definition will also suppress
meaningful messages about truly incorrect invocations. It may
be easier simply to ignore the message, perhaps in an automated
way with grep -v
A product called FlexeLint is available (in "shrouded source form," for compilation on 'most any system) from
Gimpel Software
3207 Hogarth Lane
Collegeville, PA 19426 USA
(+1) 215 584 4261
The System V release 4 lint is ANSI-compatible, and is available separately (bundled with other C tools) from UNIX Support Labs (a subsidiary of AT&T), or from System V resellers.