The letter K- K /K/ [from kilo-] n. A kilobyte. Used both as a spoken
- K&R [Kernighan and Ritchie] n. Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie's
- kahuna /k*-hoo'n*/ [IBM from the Hawaiian title for a shaman] n.
- kamikaze packet n. The `official' jargon for what is more commonly
- kangaroo code n. Syn. spaghetti code.
- ken /ken/ n. 1. [UNIX] Ken Thompson, principal inventor of
- kgbvax /K-G-B'vaks/ n. See kremvax.
- KIBO /ki'boh/ 1. [acronym] Knowledge In, Bullshit Out. A
- kiboze [USENET] v. To grep the USENET news for a string,
- kick [IRC] v. To cause somebody to be removed from a IRC
- kill file [USENET] n. (alt. `KILL file') Per-user file(s) used
- killer micro [popularized by Eugene Brooks] n. A
- killer poke n. A recipe for inducing hardware damage on a machine
- kilo- [SI] pref. See quantifiers.
- KIPS /kips/ [abbreviation, by analogy with MIPS using K] n.
- KISS Principle /kis' prin'si-pl/ n. "Keep It Simple, Stupid".
- kit [USENET; poss. fr. DEC slang for a full software
- klone /klohn/ n. See clone, sense 4.
- kludge /klooj/ or /kluhj/ n. Common (but incorrect) variant
- kluge /klooj/ [from the German `klug', clever] 1. n. A Rube
- kluge around vt. To avoid a bug or difficult condition by
- kluge up vt. To lash together a quick hack to perform a task; this
- Knights of the Lambda Calculus n. A semi-mythical organization of
- Knuth /knooth/ [Donald E. Knuth's "The Art of Computer
- kremvax /krem-vaks/ [from the then large number of USENET
- kyrka /shir'k*/ [Swedish] n. See feature key.
The letter L