The letter R- rabbit job [Cambridge] n. A batch job that does little, if any,
- rain dance n. 1. Any ceremonial action taken to correct a
- rainbow series n. Any of several series of technical manuals
- random adj. 1. Unpredictable (closest to mathematical
- random numbers n. When one wishes to specify a large but random
- randomness n. 1. An inexplicable misfeature; gratuitous
- rape vt. 1. To screw someone or something, violently; in
- rare mode [UNIX] adj. CBREAK mode (character-by-character with
- raster blaster n. [Cambridge] Specialized hardware for
- raster burn n. Eyestrain brought on by too many hours of looking at
- rat belt n. A cable tie, esp. the sawtoothed, self-locking plastic
- rave [WPI] vi. 1. To persist in discussing a specific subject.
- rave on! imp. Sarcastic invitation to continue a rave, often by
- ravs /ravz/, also `Chinese ravs' n. Jiao-zi (steamed or
- raw mode n. A mode that allows a program to transfer bits
- rc file /R-C fil/ [UNIX from the startup script
- RE /R-E/ n. Common spoken and written shorthand for regexp.
- read-only user n. Describes a luser who uses computers almost
- README file n. Hacker's-eye introduction traditionally included
- real adj. Not simulated. Often used as a specific antonym to
- real estate n. May be used for any critical resource measured in
- real hack n. A crock. This is sometimes used affectionately;
- real operating system n. The sort the speaker is used to. People
- Real Programmer [indirectly, from the book "Real Men Don't
- Real Soon Now [orig. from SF's fanzine community, popularized by
- real time 1. [techspeak] adj. Describes an application which
- real user n. 1. A commercial user. One who is paying *real*
- Real World n. 1. Those institutions at which `programming' may
- reality check n. 1. The simplest kind of test of software or
- reaper n. A prowler that GFRs files. A file removed in
- rectangle slinger n. See polygon pusher.
- recursion n. See recursion. See also tail recursion.
- recursive acronym pl.n. A hackish (and especially MIT) tradition
- Red Book n. 1. Informal name for one of the three standard
- red wire [IBM] n. Patch wires installed by programmers who have
- regexp /reg'eksp/ [UNIX] n. (alt. `regex' or `reg-ex')
- register dancing n. Many older processor architectures suffer
- reincarnation, cycle of n. See cycle of reincarnation.
- reinvent the wheel v. To design or implement a tool equivalent to
- religion of CHI n. /ki/ [Case Western Reserve University] n.
- religious issues n. Questions which seemingly cannot be raised
- replicator n. Any construct that acts to produce copies of
- reply n. See followup.
- restriction n. A bug or design error that limits a program's
- retcon /ret'kon/ [short for `retroactive continuity', from
- RETI v. Syn. RTI
- retrocomputing /ret'-roh-k*m-pyoo'ting/ n. Refers to emulations
- return from the dead v. To regain access to the net after a long
- RFC /R-F-C/ [Request For Comment] n. One of a long-established
- RFE /R-F-E/ n. 1. [techspeak] Request For Enhancement (compare
- rib site [by analogy with backbone site] n. A machine that
- rice box [from ham radio slang] n. Any Asian-made commodity
- Right Thing n. That which is *compellingly* the correct or
- RL // [MUD community] n. Real Life. "Firiss laughs in RL"
- roach [Bell Labs] vt. To destroy, esp. of a data structure. Hardware
- robot [IRC, MUD] n. An IRC or MUD user who is actually
- robust adj. Said of a system that has demonstrated an ability to
- rococo adj. {Baroque} in the extreme. Used to imply that a
- rogue [UNIX] n. A Dungeons-and-Dragons-like game using character
- room-temperature IQ [IBM] quant. 80 or below. Used in describing the
- root [UNIX] n. 1. The superuser account (with user name
- root mode n. Syn. with wizard mode or `wheel mode'. Like
- rot13 /rot ther'teen/ [USENET from `rotate alphabet
- rotary debugger [Commodore] n. Essential equipment for those
- round tape n. Industry-standard 1/2-inch magnetic tape (7- or
- RSN /R-S-N/ adj. See Real Soon Now.
- RTBM /R-T-B-M/ [UNIX] imp. Commonwealth Hackish variant of
- RTFAQ /R-T-F-A-Q/ [USENET primarily written, by analogy with
- RTFB /R-T-F-B/ [UNIX] imp. Acronym for `Read The Fucking
- RTFM /R-T-F-M/ [UNIX] imp. Acronym for `Read The Fucking
- RTFS /R-T-F-S/ [UNIX] 1. imp. Acronym for `Read The Fucking
- RTI /R-T-I/ interj. The mnemonic for the `return from
- RTM /R-T-M/ [USENET abbreviation for `Read The Manual']
- rude [WPI] adj. 1. (of a program) Badly written. 2. Functionally
- runes pl.n. 1. Anything that requires heavy wizardry or
- runic adj. Syn. obscure. VMS fans sometimes refer to UNIX as
- rusty iron n. Syn. tired iron. It has been claimed that this
- rusty memory n. Mass-storage that uses iron-oxide-based magnetic
The letter S