The letter V- vadding /vad'ing/ [from VAD, a permutation of ADV (i.e.,
- vanilla [from the default flavor of ice cream in the U.S.] adj.
- vannevar /van'*-var/ n. A bogus technological prediction or a
- vaporware /vay'pr-weir/ n. Products announced far in advance of
- var /veir/ or /var/ n. Short for `variable'. Compare arg,
- VAX /vaks/ n. 1. [from Virtual Address eXtension] The most
- VAXectomy /vak-sek't*-mee/ [by analogy with `vasectomy'] n. A
- VAXen /vak'sn/ [from `oxen', perhaps influenced by `vixen'] n.
- vaxherd n. /vaks'herd/ [from `oxherd'] A VAX operator.
- vaxism /vak'sizm/ n. A piece of code that exhibits
- vaxocentrism /vak`soh-sen'trizm/ [analogy with
- vdiff /vee'dif/ v.,n. Visual diff. The operation of finding
- veeblefester /vee'b*l-fes`tr/ [from the "Born Loser"
- ventilator card n. Syn. lace card.
- Venus flytrap [after the insect-eating plant] n. See {firewallmachine}
- verbage /ver'b*j/ n. A deliberate misspelling and mispronunciation of
- verbiage n. When the context involves a software or hardware
- Version 7 alt. V7 /vee' se'vn/ n. The 1978 unsupported release of
- vgrep /vee'grep/ v.,n. Visual grep. The operation of finding
- vi /V-I/, *not* /vi/ and *never* /siks/ [from
- videotex n. obs. An electronic service offering people the
- virgin adj. Unused; pristine; in a known initial state. "Let's
- virtual [via the technical term `virtual memory', prob. from
- virtual Friday n. (also `logical Friday') The last day before
- virtual reality n. 1. Computer simulations that use 3-D graphics
- virtual shredder n. The jargonic equivalent of the bit bucket
- virus [from the obvious analogy with biological viruses, via SF]
- visionary n. 1. One who hacks vision, in the sense of an
- VMS /V-M-S/ n. DEC's proprietary operating system for its VAX
- voice vt. To phone someone, as opposed to emailing them or
- voice-net n. Hackish way of referring to the telephone system,
- voodoo programming [from George Bush's "voodoo economics"] n.
- VR // [MUD] n. On-line abbrev for virtual reality, as
- Vulcan nerve pinch n. [from the old "Star Trek" TV series via
- vulture capitalist n. Pejorative hackerism for `venture
The letter W