Contents: Overview - Backplot - Questions - Analysis - Notes - JMS
An archaeologist smuggles ancient artifacts onto the station, unleashing a living weapon. David McCallum as Dr. Vance Hendricks. Marshall Teague as Nelson Drake.
Sub-genre: Action P5 Rating: 6.33 Production number: 101 Original air date: February 18, 1994 Written by J. Michael Straczynski Directed by Richard Compton
The Australian DSTO (Defence Sciences and Technology Organisation) developed the anti-submarine weapon "Ikara" in the 1950's. It is no longer in use in the Australian Navy, having been fired for the last time in 1990. The Brazilian Navy may still use a variation of it.
Since the DSTO has a tradition of naming its products after warlike Aboriginal animals, it's plausible that the word refers to an animal.
And oddly enough, there's a pro-genocide discussion in "Deathwalker."
It was a throwaway...but a conscious one.
He's still fighting the same battle. He's never stopped. In one way or another, he keeps putting himself out there, caught in a loop....
My suggestion: judge the episode based on the episode, not on what choice of words someone else used in trying to synopsize the episode. Because Moby Dick can be summed up as, "A nut chasing a big fish." But there's obviously more to the story than that, and it's not entirely accurate.