Information about Lysator
Information about Lysator
Lysator, The computer society
Lysator is an Academic Computer Society at Linköping University in
Linköping Sweden. It's purpose is to give it's members opportunuty to
explore the world of computers and computer science. Anyone that
studies or works at Linköping University may join. Lysator has over
400 members.
Lysator is
housed at the University area, Valla, in a small house called 'the Q-house'.
To visiulize where in Sweden Linköping is you can take a look at our map over Sweden
Lysator was founded the 29th of March 1973, and is the oldest
university computer society in Sweden.
Internet and Lysator
Lysators' computers are gifts or loans from companies or
institutions. Among the contributars are Sun, HP, ISY, IFM. We run
some flavour of unix on all of them.
Through good fortune Lysator has access to the Internet through the
swedish university network SUNET. Apart from this www server we also
Here is a list or all members currently logged in.