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Conference Status Types

        Garb-Nice ::= INT32;

        Conference-Old ::=
                ( name                  :       HOLLERITH;
                  type                  :       Conf-Type;
                  creation-time         :       Time;
                  last-written          :       Time;
                  creator               :       Pers-No;
                  presentation          :       Text-No;
                  supervisor            :       Conf-No;
                  permitted-submitters  :       Conf-No;
                  super-conf            :       Conf-No;
                  msg-of-day            :       Text-No;
                  nice                  :       Garb-Nice;
                  no-of-members         :       INT16;
                  first-local-no        :       Local-Text-No;
                  no-of-texts           :       INT32;

        Conference ::=
                ( name                  :       HOLLERITH;
                  type                  :       Extended-Conf-Type;
                  creation-time         :       Time;
                  last-written          :       Time;
                  creator               :       Pers-No;
                  presentation          :       Text-No;
                  supervisor            :       Conf-No;
                  permitted-submitters  :       Conf-No;
                  super-conf            :       Conf-No;
                  msg-of-day            :       Text-No;
                  nice                  :       Garb-Nice;
                  keep-commented        :       Garb-Nice;
                  no-of-members         :       INT16;
                  first-local-no        :       Local-Text-No;
                  no-of-texts           :       INT32;
                  expire                :       Garb-Nice;
                  aux-items             :       ARRAY Aux-Item;

        UConference ::=
                ( name                  :       HOLLERITH;
                  type                  :       Extended-Conf-Type;
                  highest-local-no      :       Local-Text-No;
                  nice                  :       Garb-Nice;

These three types are used to specify information about a conference. Garb-Nice is a quantity used to specify how long articled are kept in a conference before being removed. Conference is the full information about a conference and UConference is brief information about a conference.

The fields of Conference are

The name of this conference.
The type of the conference.
The date and time when the conference was created.
The date when something was last written in the conference.
The person who created the conference.
The article containing the conference presentation or zero if the conference has no presentation.
The conference1 who supervises this conference.
The conference whose members2 may submit articles to the conference, or zero if anyone may do so.
This field has two unrelated uses. If the original bit is set, clients should send comments to this conference (see Recipients of comments). If the permitted-submitters field rejects a text3, the server will silently send the text to the super-conf conference instead. This redirection mechanism is applied repeatedly until conference that accepts the text is found, or an implementation-defined limit is reached.
The conference notice, if any.
The number of days an article should be kept before being removed from the conference.
A text that has comments no older than this number of days will not be removed from the conference.
The number of members of this conference.
The local number of the oldest existing article in the conference.
The number of articles in the conference.
This field will be used to control when a conference expires. It is not used at the moment, and should be set to zero for future compatibility.
The conference's aux item list.

The fields of UConference are

The name of this conference.
The conference type. Note that this is an extended conference type, unlike the type field of Conference.
The local number of the newest article in the conference.
The number of days an article should be kept before being removed from the conference.


  1. The supervisor may be a person, in which case the members of that person's mailbox become supervisors.

  2. permitted-submitters can be a person, in which case all persons who are members of the associated mailbox are allowed to submit articles to the conference.

  3. This is true if the text is created using create-text, create-anonymous-text, create-anonymous-text-old or create-text-old. Future requests that create texts may have other semantics.