Node:Defining New Aux-Item Types, Previous:Experimental Aux-Item Types, Up:The Aux-Item List
If you want a new predefined item type, just document what it does, what the data format looks like and what the server is to do with the item and send this to the LysKOM development group. We'll assign a number to your item and put the documentation in this document.
If you're not sure what you want the data to look like yet, make a note in your documentation that the data format might change. Once you have a data format you're happy with, update the documentation so others may use your item.
If you need serious magic in the server (more than can be specified with the lyskomd configuration file), you'll probably have to write the code yourself, or hope that the development group thinks your idea is so cool we do the job for you.
The idea is not to reject any type of item, unless there's already an item type that does the job just as well. Adding item types should be a much less painful process than adding new calls.