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delete-conf [11] (1) Recommended

        delete-conf [11] ( conf : Conf-No ) -> ( );

This call deletes the conference conf from the LysKOM database. Only privileged users and the supervisors of a conference may delete it. If the conference is a mailbox the corresponding person will also be deleted.


        1 50 7
        =1 4HTest 1001
           16 4 19 10 5 96 1 161 1
           16 4 19 10 5 96 1 161 1
           7 0 7 0 0 0 77 1 1 0
        1 11 7
        1 50 7
        %1 9 0

This example shows the successful deletion of conference number seven.

Error codes

Login required before issuing this call.
conf does not exist or is secret.
conf is zero.
Not supervisor of conf and not enough privileges enabled.
conf is a mailbox but does not exist as a person (the database is corrupt.)