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mark-as-read [27] (1) Recommended

        mark-as-read [27] (( conference : Conf-No;
                             text       : ARRAY Local-Text-No ))
                -> ( );

Marks text text in conference number conference as read for the current user. This call updates the membership record for the user.


        1 9 6 7
        =1 20 32 11 17 6 96 3 198 1 7 1 240 0 *
        1 78 7
        =1 13HInlägg }t mig 00001000 241 1
        1 27 7 1 { 241 }
        1 9 6 7
        =1 20 32 11 17 6 96 3 198 1 7 1 241 0 *

This example shows person 6 marking local text number 241 in conference 7 as read. In the first query-read-texts call the person has read local text 240, but nothing higher. The mark-as-read call is reflected in the second query-read-texts call, where the user is seen to have read text 241 in conference 7.

To mark a global text number as read it is necessary to translate it into local text numbers by looking at the Misc-Info list in the Text-Stat and calling mark-as-read once for each recipient.

There is no need to call mark-as-read on deleted texts. The server will automatically mark them as read, sooner or later.

Error codes

Login required before issuing this call.
The conference conference does not exist or is secret.
conference is zero.
The person logged on is not a member of conference conference.
One of the numbers in text is not a local text number in conference. The error argument indicates the index of the invalid number.
One of the numbers in text is zero.