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set-garb-nice [22] (1) Recommended

        set-garb-nice [22] (( conf-no : Conf-No;
                                 nice : Garb-Nice ))
                -> ( );

Sets the expiration time for articles in conference conf-no to nice days. An article that is older than the maximum expiration time of each conference it is sent to may be deleted by the LysKOM server unless it has marks.


        1 78 4
        =1 17HNyheter om LysKOM 00000000 1 77
        1 22 4 7
        1 78 4
        =1 17HNyheter om LysKOM 00000000 1 7

This example shows the expiration time of conference four being lowered from 77 to just seven days.

Error codes

Login required before issuing this call.
Conference conf-no does not exist or is secret.
conf-no is zero.
Not enough permissions to change the expiration time for conference conf-no.