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set-motd-of-lyskom [41] (1) Recommended

        set-motd-of-lyskom [41] ( text-no : Text-No )
                -> ( );

This call sets the login message of LysKOM. It can only be executed by a privileged person, with the proper privileges enabled. A somewhat less convenient way of doing this is to use the set-info



        1 36
        =1 10900 1 2 3 4 0
        1 41 435
        1 36
        =1 10900 1 2 3 4 435

This example shows how the login message of LysKOM is set using the set-motd-of-lyskom call. The results of the get-info calls demonstrate the effect.

Error codes

Login required before issuing this call.
Administrator bit not set or privilege level not enabled.
The text text-no does not exist.
The text text-no already has the maximum number of marks.