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set-supervisor [18] (1) Recommended

        set-supervisor [18] (( conf-no : Conf-No;
                               admin   : Conf-No ))
                -> ( );

The set-supervisor call changes the supervisor of an existing conference. The result is that all members of the conference admin become supervisors of the conference conf-no. Typically, but not always, admin will be a mailbox.


        1 50 4
        =1 17HNyheter om LysKOM 0000
           48 11 17 13 8 91 5 255 1
           15 12 11  9 5 96 0 160 1
           0 0 0 0 0 0 77 1 1 1
        1 18 4 6
        1 50 4
        =1 17HNyheter om LysKOM 0000
           48 11 17 13 8 91 5 255 1
           15 12 11  9 5 96 0 160 1
           0 0 6 0 0 0 77 1 1 1

This example makes the members of conference six supervisors of conference four (which is usually the "News about LysKOM" conference). The change in the conference structure is evident from the get-conf-stat-old calls before and after the set-supervisor call. Note that the original supervisor was not set. In order to change the supervisor of such a conference, the session issuing the call must have administration privileges.

Error codes

Login required before issuing this call.
Conference conf-no or conference admin does not exist or is secret.
conf-no is zero.
Not enough permissions or privileges to change the supervisor of conference conf-no.