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query-read-texts [107] (( person : Pers-No; conference : Conf-No; want-read-ranges : BOOL; max-ranges : INT32 )) -> ( Membership );
This call is used to find the number of unread texts in a conference.
The data it returns is actually a membership structure which specifies
which texts have been read. It is up to the client to transform the
data to a more usable form. person
is the person being queried
and conference
is the conference in question.
If want-read-ranges
is 0
, the server will not send the
contents of the read-ranges
array of the memberships. (The
size will be transmitted, but a single asterisk (*
) will be
sent instead of the array itself.) The max-ranges
argument is
ignored in this case.
If want-read-ranges
is 1
, the read-ranges
will be returned. If max-ranges
is non-zero, the array will be
truncated to max-ranges
ranges. (It isn't possible to
determine if the array has been truncated, or if the array actually
contained exactly that many ranges.) Setting max-ranges
gives you enough information to find out the first unread
When you call this request with want-read-ranges
set to
, the ranges will expand to include any adjacent texts that
are now deleted. This may not happen if get-membership
used to retrieve the information.
Calling query-read-texts
does not require the session to be
logged in.
1 107 6 1 1 0 =1 4 32 5 11 12 7 93 1 193 1 1 20 2 { 1 133 135 137 } 5 43 8 3 12 7 93 1 193 1 01000000
This example finds the read texts for user 6 in conference 1. The
returned data indicates that conference 1 is the fifth conference on
the users' membership list (4
; remember that the
starts its count at 0), user last read the conference
on Monday July 12th, 1993 at 11:05:32 (32 5 11 12 7 93 1 193
), that it is the membership in conference number 1 (1
), that
the person has assigned priority 20 to the conference (20
) and
that all texts 1-133 and 135-137 have been read (2 { 1 133 135
137 }
). The membership was added by person 5 (5
) at Monday
July 12th, 1993 at 03:08:43 (43 8 3 12 7 93 1 193 1
) and it is
passive (01000000
does not exist, or no access to person.
does not exist, or is secret.
is zero.
is not a member of conference
or insufficient
privileges to find out if person
is a member.
must be either 0
or 1